Chapter 30+

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1 Month Later

April's Pov:

I have changed the girl that I used to be is no longer the same. I have honestly turned to a bitch and what I don't really understand is how Josh puts up with me honestly if I was with him I would have broken up with me from the begining. I just don't get it he tries and tries to make our relationship work but it's just gone I've been acting like a bitch so we could end because I don't have the heart to do it but I guess he just tries so much. I just lost myself.

Josh and I were sitting in the sofa he was in the opposite from me when all of a sudden he turned off the Tv. ''What the fuck Josh I was watching that'' I said ''We need to talk'' Josh said and I just turned around all annoyed ''What'' I said and Josh looked at me and he came closer and gave me a kiss ''Don't touch me'' I told him. ''What the fuck April what happened to my girlfriend seriously what happened to the old you''.

''She is long gone I'm annoyed and tired so I'm going to go to bed so night'' I told Josh and I got up from the sofa and so did he. He grabbed my shoulder and made me face him. ''April I'm done really what happened to the sweet girl I fell in love with?'' Josh said to me his voice was cracking like he was about to cry and seriously my face showed no sign of emotion. ''That girl is long gone Josh you want to know what the only reason we are back together, because I let my emotions get to me you know what sometimes you forgive people just because you still want them in your life but I was wrong''.

Josh looked at me his eyes were bloodshot red he was about to cry and he was just holding it in he was showing me he was strong. ''But April you forgave me remember we said that the whole cheating incident was going to be left in the past'' Josh said I laughed ''For fucks sake Josh you believe that, you think that something big like that could be forgotten it never can you know why because I already know what you are capable of doing it againg''. I told him his eyes got more watery but no tears slipped I know how strong he was being.

''Than why didn't you brake up with me?'' he asked me ''You know why because I'm better than that I was being a bitch towards you so you would break up with me because I didn't have the heart to do it and what I don't get is if that you are my savior why the fuck don't you see that I have gotten worse but I guess since I smile it means that everything is okay right''. 

''April'' Josh told me ''No fuck you Josh everything is not okay between us I'm just done for the best you hurt me and something as big like that could never be forgiven and I know what you are thinking at the moment why can't I let it go right something like that haunts me at night.'' I almost screamed at Josh my face showed no expression what's so over ''Okay than it's done you got what you waned we are done''. Josh told me ''Josh'' I told him. ''Just leave April''. It was done we were over.

I had packed everything and I knew this time we were done for good now I got all my stuff and I looked back at our room I actually let it take control of me I got what I waned Josh and I were done. I exsited the room and Josh was still standing in the same place as he was when we were fighting I looked at him ''Josh'' I said one more time. ''Just leave April just leave'' Josh said. There were no tears he was trying hard to hold them in I knew because his eyes showed it.

I went outside and there was Logan waiting for me Betsy was with him. I grew to hate Betsy not because of her but because she was with Logan I finally admitted to myself that I do have feelings for Logan and every time I get to see them together I grow to hate her even more. I just smile at her so she thinks I like her.

I got in the car and they both looked at me '' Are you guys okay?'' Betsy asked me and gave me a warm smile I returned a fake smile at her ''Were done for the best'' I said. ''Don't worry April I'm just dropping Betsy off at her house and than I'll take you home and we can talk'' Logan said and I just smiled at him.

We dropped Betsy off and the way back to my mom's house was silence both of us didn't say a word until we got to my mom's house. ''April I'm truly sorry about you and Josh braking up'' Logan said and he gave me a smile. ''No it's okay Logan none of it it's your fault and plus we were just not working out anymore you know so it was better if we just ended it while we had the chance''. I said to him you are right he looked at me and I maybe it was something in me or the way he looked at me that I just kissed him.

Logan didn't kiss back and I just pulled away ''I'm sorry'' I said. ''No April you don't get it right I have been waiting forever for that to happen since I have fucking feelings for you but now that Josh and you broke up and I finally tried to moving on from you and get back together with Betsy you decide to kiss me''.

''Logan'' I said ''No April, honestly you don't want me to be with you that kiss is just you being lonely, and you don't want me to be with someone else I see the way you look at Betsy and I know you don't like her, but honestly how miserable do I have to be before you're happy I know you don't see it but I have gave you hints of how much I love you but all you really do is just put me in the friend zone you really don't know how much it hurt me to always help you with problems you and Josh had like I knew I never had a chance but that didn't stop me from loving you but now did I move on this happened, I just need time April I can't do this.'' Logan said

''I'm sorry'' I said one more time ''I'm truly sorry but please don't hate me'' I told him my voice was cracking up but I didn't let my tears out I remain strong ''I don't hate you'' Logan said and I left the car.

My mom opened the door and she saw how I was not okay so she just gave me a hug and didn't say anything I went to my old room and I just let all the tears run I screwed everything up.

I was in the darkness, so darkness I became.

~Author's Note~

Sorry for not updating soon I didn't have internet and when I got it back I had a this chapter written better but I left to go somewhere and my computer was off and I lost the chapter so I had to think what I had wrotten before to get this chapter I think the one I had written before was better but I don't remember exactly what I had but I finally updated the fan fiction will be getting into more drama now since is almost coming towards the end and I really don't know if I should write a sequel or not just leave me in the comments if I should do one or just make another Josh fan fiction once again sorry for not updating any soon I love you guys so much and thanks for reading My Savior I will update when I have time I love all of you and Stay weird, rad and beautiful.Stay strongs my beautiful butterflies ♥♥♥

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