Chapter 35

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April's POV:

MY head was pounding it fealt like I couldn't open my eyes because the white light made my head hurt even more. I just fought the urge and finally was abel to open my eyes. That's when I saw him I couldn't really see who it was since his head was facing down I was hoping it was Josh but I knew it wasn't him why would Josh be here? he wouldnt save me he hates me. The guy was sobbing and he was holding my hand I waned to see who it was but I didn't want to interrup the guy so I just stayed still.

That's when I heard him say my name and I knew it wasn't Josh it was Logan. H e was telling me how much he was in love with me my own best friend in love with me. He was crying and in that mioment I reakized how much I loved him too all the memories we share and those tiny sparks I fealt when he would hug me and held my hand in a friendly way. Those sparks where real I mean I willl never love Logan as much as I love Josh but that's normal since Josh was my first love.

I couldn't hold it anymore so I spoke up ''Logan what you just said did you mean it?''Logan finally looked up and I got a good glaze of his face it was red his eyes all puffy from the crying and his light pink lips chapped ''Yes I meant everything I just said April, I tought that I might loose you and I needed to tell you how I fealt before it was too late April I'm madly in love with you.'' Logan told me

''Logan I think you're going to be very good for me, but'' I said before Logan interruped me ''There's always a fucking but with you April'' that's when I noticed that he had let go of my hand. ''Logan calm down you didn't let me finish we can't be together just yet I'm going trough really hard times it's just better if we wait a while after all of this blows over I promise that we can work out something between us I just need time'' I told Logan and he walked back to my direction. ''Promise?'' he said ''promise'' I responded. That's when he gave me peck in my forehead and I just gave him a warm smile and I saw him leave the room.

As soon as Logan left my room I postioned myself in a comfterble position and just looked at the ceeling getting lost in my own thoughts. That's when I heard the door creek and heard footsteps that's when I heard it that voice that I would always recognized in a matter of seconds. ''April I figured you wpuld be awake since I saw Logan leave with a smile on his face so I figured you wer e awake Logan didn't tell me fut I figured I'm so glad you're awake I would loose you baby'' Josh told me my eyes got watery of the tought of him calling me baby.. ''Don't call me that'' I told him. ''April look how many times do I have to tell you how sorry I am I know I'm a big part of the reason you're here.'' he told me.

I closed my eyes andd finally let a tear slip I couldn't resist. ''Look Josh what I hate about you is the only reason you probably came to visit me was because yu probably wano make sure I actually died don't you dare tell me it'sa lie and well because you feel bad that I left my goodbye message to you''.  I now realized I was screaming.

''Well you want to know what I hate about you April?'' Josh asked me. I shrugged ''Now tell me what you hate about me Josh'' ''What I hate about youis that you make things look a way that they aren't'' he basiclly screamed at me. ''One question Josh when I left tell me honestly how many girls did you sleep with?'' I screamed back at him Iwas crying and he could see that he's probably laughing at me inside. Josh looked right me ''I probably slept with 10 girls but you want to know the reason why I did that? because I was trying to forget about you April I was trying to forget about your scent''. Whatt he told me broke what was left of my heart in pieces. ''Well Josh you want to know how many guys I slept with since we broke up 0 and you want to know why because you were my first love and I could never do that to you because I had faith that we would get back together but you didn't even fight for me.''

I was an emotional wreck now ''but you didn't fight for me and that just made me wonder if you actually truly loved because you always have to fight for what you love'' I told him. Josh looked down at the floor because he knew he didn't love me all that made him stay with me was because he fealt sorry for me. ''April'' Josh said and he looked at me ''You know what Josh just save it''.

There was a dead silence in the room until I finally broke it. ''You know what Josh how about we just end things, but this time for real no coming back, all we do is hurt one another. That's not healthy for both of us, how about we just move on. Have no contact whatsoever with each other really over. You stay in Houston as long as you have to, finish the movie you came here to work on, and then just leave and never come back or remember me just pretend that we never met at that bridge, that you never saved me you just walked by that bridge and saw no one, you just casully passed by there. Just please pretend that we never happened okay.''

I just cried and he saw me cry ''April I was the one that brought you here I was the one that found you in your room you didn't realize that but that probably dosen't change anything does it?'' Josh asked I just shook my head in denial, he looked at me one more time and he just left.

I just sat in my hospital bed crying that's when my mom walked in and sat down next to me and just held me while I cried into her shoulder. That's when she started whispering into my ear ''Honey I promise you that hard times will pass, he doesn't deserve any of your tears everything will be okay it just takes time.'' My mom told me I just nodded I can't belive that it's all over now.

AUTHORS NOTE: I just waned to say how sorry I am for not being able to update these pass 3 months I was busy finishing school and trying to pass al my classes but since it's summer now I'm going to try to update almost evey week I just waned to say how thankful I am for 10k reads that honestly means so much to me this fan fiction started because of my best friend but I didn't realize how far it would come the story isn't over yet it's just getting to the good part I hope you guys like this chapter.   (Sorry for any errors in this my internet was acting up)

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