Chapter 3: You've Got No Jams

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Ari's POV 🌸

As soon as I receive the email from Lily with the consent forms for the background check, I fill them out immediately. This is no ordinary background check, it is extensive, but I don't care; I have nothing to hide, and I desperately want to work for Lily.

I had been excited to interview with Lily initially, but after experiencing how kind she is, and learning about the work I would be doing, I'm certain the universe is aligning for me.

What really lit a fire in me was that Lily explained that although Ha-Kun was her business partner, and practically her brother, Rogue Records was really her baby. She said that she is striving to build a culture of inclusivity at the company and that she especially likes to hire talented women because, historically, women producers are overlooked in the music business.

"You know why you don't hear many women's names in music production?" Lily explained with passion in her eyes.

"Because they aren't just overlooked, most of the time they aren't fucking hired in the first place! I'm changing that in my tiny corner of the music industry. I'm hiring fierce, talented women who lift each other up. I don't tolerate gossip or stabbing each other in the back. Women are taught to do that to each other as a distraction to keep us down, and I clearly intend to break that toxic behavior. We use our talents and skills to garner attention around here!" She exclaimed proudly.

"We're here showing the world that women belong in this space also. There are many great female songwriters but not enough producers. I want to give my employees the wings to fly! The world doesn't tell us who we are; we tell the world who WE are. That's what Rogue Records is all about!"

I've never met a woman, or anyone for that matter, who is so passionate about something as Lily is about this, and she really is out there walking the talk! To get in on the ground floor of a company like this is precisely what I need! I have felt unseen for a long time, and my soul is weary. I need more!


I feel so unsettled. I want the job over at Rogue so much, but I know the background check will take a while to process. It's early, but I pack up my art supplies into my messenger bag and sling it over my shoulder, heading out to ease my anxiety.

I emerge from the train station and head to my favorite spot in the entire city, the Seoul Remix Museum, a midsize art museum run by a great group of local artists, which includes a quaint sculpture garden with benches and pretty landscaping outside the building.

Entering the sculpture garden just as the morning dew is starting to dissipate, I'm thrilled to be in my little oasis. I love that Remix feels like my hidden gem in the city, and as much as I want the museum to stay in business, I secretly love that it has become a quiet place of peace for me, something I desperately need to quell my nerves today.

I walk through the maze of shrubbery and flowers that have come to life as we have moved into the Spring weather, and I find myself in front of a bronze sculpture of a man twisting his body as if he's looking over his shoulder at something that has caught his eye with interest.

Taking off my jacket, I spread it out upon the concrete bench that sits in front of the statue. I walk around the statue, studying the way the artist intentionally shaped the metal, the subtle textures, and the painstakingly thoughtful way the man's face reflects an air of hopeful curiosity. It's breathtaking!

Smiling, I sit down on the bench and take out my sketch pad. Digging into my bag, I decide to challenge myself and choose a set of charcoals so that I can play with the balance of light and dark while I attempt to create an interpretation of the sculpture before me.

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