Chp 10: International Playboy!

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Ari's POV 🌸

I am in awe of these people, completely in awe. Lily, Yoongi, and Namjoon dive right into the creative process; I've never witnessed anything like it. Lily leads the way handing out notebooks and pens as if she has done this a million times.

They sit and start brainstorming first about love, loss, heartbreak, and new love, and then the lyric ideas start flying back and forth. Some are just the beginnings of ideas, some are brilliant, some fail instantly, and they break into fits of laughter.

Namjoon seemed so uptight when he arrived, but he seems to have relaxed. While they are busy in their creative process, I finally have time to really study him for the first time. He's handsome in a simple pair of jeans and an olive green v-neck. I watch as he absentmindedly pushes the sleeves up to his elbows. There is something so sexy about this simple move that when he catches my eye, I can't help but blush and look down as I try to control my breathing, and I hate myself for reacting this way.

Ha-Kun and Lily supplied me with a high-quality camera to take pictures whenever I want, and I feel like it would be a missed opportunity if I don't take shots of the three of them starting the creative process. I can imagine how cool these would look if I made them black and white. I reach into my bag and pull out the case, removing the delicate camera and attaching the expensive lens. I am no photographer, but I'm hoping I come up with some pictures that won't disappoint Lily.

I panic a little because I'm trapped on the sofa, and I need to ask Namjoon to move so I can slide by; I don't want to interrupt him while he is deep in thought, though. For some reason, I think it would be a good idea just to make a move quickly, so in one quick motion, I gently pat him on the forearm and then try to squeeze myself between him and the coffee table.

I realize I didn't think this through because my knees brush against his, and my chest is at his eye level. He averts his eyes to mine quickly, and we are locked on each other while I quietly utter, "I'm sorry."

He politely nods with an embarrassed smile while averting his eyes, and I feel bad that I invaded his space. I finally free myself and start to circle the group, slowly taking pictures. I take some candids and then move to the far end of the room, crouching down a bit to take some shots that don't feel like I'm hovering over them. Lily is distracted by me only momentarily, but Namjoon and Yoogi don't even blink an eye, and I realize this must be something they are used to happening.

I play with different angles trying to capture the magic I'm witnessing. The raw creativity is captivating, and I desperately want to convey this on film. I get a shot of Yoongi brushing his hand through his hair. One with Lily speaking enthusiastically with her hands suspended in midair while she makes a point, and one of Namjoon that looks like he is in serious contemplation. Then I try and take some photos that show them all together in the midst of discussion. It feels organic, and I'm pleased with what I've captured.

After firing off a quick round of additional snapshots, I quietly look through the pictures on the digital camera to see if I should take some more; I suddenly snap back to attention when Lily's words cut through me.

"I mean, I guess it's whatever image you want to put out there, Namjoon. I mean, are you trying to come off as a romantic, or is this going to be some kind of fuck-boy energy? You know, it's not like the world hasn't seen me in provocative pictures, so I don't really care what kind of energy you want in your music and video. I'm fine with doing whatever you want -but knowing will help better inform what direction we are going towards musically."

Fuck-boy! Is he a fuck-boy? I didn't get that impression, and why is Lily seem so utterly comfortable with all of this? Do they like each other?

I notice Yoongi scrunch his nose for a moment in Lily's direction as if he is silently asking similar questions in his mind. When Yoongi's eyes meet mine, his face goes completely blank, and his eyes return to the two. Something happened there like he didn't want me to notice he was reacting as well.

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