Chp 13: Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy

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Ari's POV 🌸

A few days later, Lily agreed that I could spend the day working at my desk after compiling footage and pictures all week. I have loved being in the studio, but I am anxious to have some quality time to go through the material and try different techniques with it. The work Lily has entrusted me with is so important to me; I want to do it well!

"Hmmm, maybe like this. Nope, back this clip up a bit and maybe splice here instead...."

"Do you always talk to yourself like this?"

The warm tone of Tae's voice takes me by surprise, and I jump a little in my seat before looking up and being greeted by a warm smile.

"Yes, yes I do. It helps me process when I'm trying something new," I chuckle.

"What kind of new thing are you up to today?" Tae asks.

"You can grab a chair and come look if you would like. I'd love a second opinion on this." I point at a chair in the corner that he can roll over to my desk.

Tae acts like he's known me forever, and although that was a little jarring at first, I've decided to lean into it. It's nice to be starting to build some friendships again.

"Okay, take a look at this clip." I press play, and I can feel my stomach turning upside down as my anticipation of his reaction grows. "I've never done video editing like this before, but I've turned the footage to black and white, and here is a first draft of what I'm trying to do."

Tae leans in and watches the short video. "Can you play it one more time?" he asks with curiosity.

I wasn't expecting this reaction. I nod and play it again and watch as he rests his fingers upon his chin, nodding up and down periodically. When it finishes, I look at him, waiting for his feedback.

"This is quite good, Ari! It feels like I'm watching documentary footage."

I clap my hands together with relief. "Tae! Yes! You and me, right here, my friend!" With my fingers, I make a "V" shape and begin pointing back and forth between my eyes and then his. "Simpatico! That is the reaction I was hoping for!"

Tae grins widely. "There is that confidence I've been looking for!" he says like a proud Papa.

I laugh. Tae is so easy to talk to; I really am starting to feel at home with him. "Did you want to go see Lily? She's working in the studio with Namjoon and Yoongi, but I can see if I can bring you back; you are on her special list."

"No, I don't want to disturb them. I don't have a schedule today, and I was bored, so I thought I'd drop by and see who is around. I'm loving seeing this. Do you have more you can show me?"

"Really? I say excitedly. "Do you want to see some of the photos I've taken? I can show you how I want to place them on Lily's Instagram when we go live with this project." I say excitedly.

"Absolutely. Hey, maybe you can also show me how to do Q & A on Instagram. I haven't quite figured that out yet, and Jungkook does it. I want to try it too!" his enthusiasm is adorable, and I can't resist it.

"You see, I've been secretly working on my own album, and I want to surprise my fans when I release the first song and do some Q & A! Don't tell Lily, though; it's a secret! I still want her to help at some point, but I want to show her the work I've done on my own and have her be proud of me. She was my piano teacher!" he grins proudly.

"Okay, well, that's adorable, Tae! Sure. I can show you on my account!" 

I smile, and we dive into my work. I'm unsure if Lily and Ha-Kun would be upset with me hanging out with Tae while I work, but it feels natural. He actually has really great feedback, and honestly, it's like working with a colleague.

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