Chp. 43: J.I.M.I.N. That is my Name

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Jimin's POV 💫

It's been a few days, and things have been so hectic. Namjoon has shut everyone out, saying he doesn't want to talk right now, and Ari hasn't answered her text messages or phone calls from any of us.

Lily had told Ari to take a few days off of work if she needed them, and I had driven her home from the party, making sure she got up to her apartment okay. She promised me that she would contact me if she needed to talk, but now I'm starting to worry since she hasn't reached out to any of us.

I finally decided I couldn't take the worry anymore, and I drove to her place. I walk up the stairs to the apartment, but when I go to knock on the door, I realize it isn't even shut tight. Worried, I slowly swing the door open, only to find the place looks like a wreck.

Empty wine bottles are strewn about the floor, looking like they were abandoned in the very spots they were drained. Could've Been by H.E.R. is playing on a loop which wretches at my heart, and there is Ari, passed out on her bed, still in the same clothes from a few days ago with an empty bottle clutched in her hands.

I close and lock the door behind me and crouch down next to Ari's bed, stroking my hand through her hair, which is now stringy and desperate for a wash. Pushing it out of her face, the distinct smell of wine permeates from Ari's pores, and I scrunch my nose while I try to wake her.

"Ari, Beauty, wake up," I urge gently.

Her eyes start to flutter open, and she immediately clasps her hands over her head, signifying a hangover. "Angel...." she murmurs and closes her eyes.

Walking into her kitchen, picking up some of the bottles off the floor as I clear a path, I retrieve a bottle of water from the fridge.

Returning to the bed, I sit down and ask Ari to drink some, and she is able to take a few sips. "It's been a few days, Ari. I know your heart is broken, but it's time to return to the land of the living. We need you back," I tell her gently as she rests her head on my knee.

"Okay, Jimin, okay," she whispers and then closes her eyes again, trying to deal with the pounding in her head. "Pain reliever....medicine cabinet..." she whispers.

I gently slide her head down on a pillow as I remove my leg and go to her bathroom to find some medicine and ensure she takes the right amount. Then I go to work to clean up the remnants of the alcohol-fueled bender she's been on. Opening a window to let some fresh air in, I turn off the music and let Ari sleep off her hangover.

When she awakes, I usher her into the shower and pick out a fresh pair of clothes for her. I open the bathroom door, making sure not to look towards the shower, place everything on the counter for her, and then close the door. I go to work looking through her kitchen cabinets and deciding on some noodles for lunch.

When she's cleaned and changed, Ari cuddles up on the bed next to me with a small bowl of noodles I've given her, and she sighs.

"Sorry, you had to see me this way. I was having a hard time..."

"It's okay, Beauty, believe me. I've been in this predicament myself, but there are too many people that care about you for you to go on like this."

My phone buzzes, and I read my text message. "Tae wants you to know he set up an appointment at your therapist's office tomorrow and that he is going to be your "Moving Forward" coach from now on," I relay with a chuckle.

"I love him," Ari answers sentimentally, "I love all of you, truly; you have all become precious friends to me. Thank you for being here. I couldn't seem to pull myself out of this hole."

"It's going to take a lot of time; heartbreak is difficult. We're all here to lean on if you need us. Just like you have been for all of us."

"I wasn't sure if you would all stop talking to me after all that's happened with Joon shutting me out," she sighs shakily.

The mention of his name practically brings tears to her eyes. It kills me to see her this way. "I don't think you understand. You are part of our family now. We may have rough patches with each other, but despite Joon's misstep, we don't abandon family."

"A misstep? Is this what we are calling it? Because I feel like my heart has been stomped on," she whispers, and I pull her into my shoulder for a long hug.

"I know, Beauty; I wish I could fix it for you. He won't answer his phone either," I admit quietly, and I feel her head nod up and down as she tries to wrap her head around all that has happened.

"I'm going to spend the rest of the day with you, Beauty, and tomorrow we start moving forward. Okay, love?"

"Okay..." she whispers into my chest, and I can tell she's trying not to cry.

Damnit, Joon, why are you being so unreasonable with her? Why won't you answer your damn phone!

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