Chp. 7: I Know Her Face, but I Don't Know Her Name

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Namjoon's POV 🪴

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Namjoon's POV 🪴

I fasten my seatbelt while Yoongi puts the car in drive. We start the journey back to the company in silence, both of us taking some time to mull over the events of the meeting. I know I just put us all through a lot.

I keep thinking about what Lily said to me when she switched to English; I'm sure she did it so her new assistant wouldn't understand. Her words were haunting me:

Namjoon, promise me that this is truly what you want. I know you wouldn't do anything intentionally, but I need you to promise that you aren't unconsciously trying to hurt me because I have bruised your heart. You know, as well as I do, that I didn't have a choice. My heart was always his. It never belonged to anyone else. You can't punish me for that. Hell, you even tried to help us get back together! Tell me you aren't unknowingly trying to break me.

I responded to Lily immediately, promising her wholeheartedly I wasn't unconsciously trying to punish her. I would never do that! I just know that she is the only person who can help me pick the lock on this cage I feel like I've been living in.

I know what I'm doing. Right?

"Hyung," My words come out slowly. "You understand, don't you?"

"I do," He answers casually.

Yoongi's hand glides over the steering wheel as he guides the vehicle around a curve. I watch the tree-lined street start to vanish. The cityscape starts to come back into view as we head deeper into the city.

 "Honestly, though, I wish you weren't using the love of my life to accomplish your goal, but she agreed, and I am committed to standing by her side no matter what happens."

Sighing, my face turning crimson, I look back out the window recognizing the buildings as our journey brings us nearer to our company.

"I'd never hurt her on purpose," I finally breathe out.

"I know Namjoon, but I never planned on hurting her either, and we all know how that turned out! Just be careful."

"I will," I confirm gently, but Yoongi's words weigh heavily on me as I think about the way he and Lily fell apart a few years ago. It was a long road back for the two of them.

"So, how do you know Ari," he asks, finally changing the subject.

"How did you know I knew her?" I'm surprised since Ari, and I didn't even acknowledge each other.

"I've known you for a long time, Joon," Yoongi scrunches his nose at me like I'm a fool.

"Well, I actually didn't know her name until today. She was kicked out of a museum so I could tour it last week, and while she was in the process of leaving, I insulted her artwork by accident, and she became furious with me. I didn't mean to; I got nervous, and the words kind of fell out of my mouth."

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