Chp. 19 What is a Heart Throb?

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Ari's POV 🌸

My heart is pounding. I haven't driven a vehicle in a long time, and now I'm going to transport someone who is important to a lot of people, and it is making me nervous. I'm trying to remind myself that Namjoon, my new friend, asked me to drive, but the bigger picture is scaring the shit out of me.

What if I cause an accident? What if someone sees us?

I keep thinking, but the real questions that keep invading my thoughts are...

What if he doesn't like my company? He's traveled all over the world, and my world has been relatively small. What in the world could we have in common?

I take a deep breath. I couldn't sleep. My anxiety was so high that I got up and started preparing a picnic lunch for us. I doubt we should be walking into any restaurants in the area, so I want to be prepared. I take my time packing a smaller cooler for us, wondering what the day may bring. I'm wrapping a sandwich when there is a knock on the door.

What the hell?

I look at my phone quickly.

Holy hell! Are they early?

I open the door, and there is Namjoon, standing there looking adorable in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt with that black beanie that looks so cute on him.

"Joon! Come in....I ugh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting you so early!"

"Do you want me to go wait in the car? I'm sorry. We got here quicker than I expected."

"No, no, it's okay. I was just packing us lunch, so I'm not ready to go yet...."

"You made lunch?" His voice is laced with surprise as he looks at the ingredients splayed across the counter.

I blush, "Yes, I'm almost finished. It's nothing special, just some sandwiches and a few snacks. Some bottles of water...." I finish wrapping the sandwiches and make quick work of packing a cooler bag with our food.

"Wow! That's sweet. Thanks so much!"

"Of course. Make yourself at home. I just need to finish up in the bathroom."

"Take your time. We have all day!" He smiles, and I watch as we walks up to my easel and looks at a painting I have in progress.

I close the bathroom door and lean against it rubbing my hand over my chest. I never thought Joon would come up to my apartment. I thought he would text me, and I'd come down to the car.

To be honest, I've never had anyone in my apartment before. I haven't done anything special with it. I only moved in here after my mother passed away, and I always have been busy working as many hours as I could so I could afford the place. I'm a little embarrassed, and it's adding to this pounding I feel in my chest.

I really wasn't expecting this.


Namjoons POV 🪴

I showed up a little early, but I'm excited to scope out where Ari lives. Her little studio apartment is quaint, and while she is freshening up, I get to take a look at her little art corner and see what she is working on, but my eyes are drawn to that cherry blossoms painting I saw on her Instagram.

I've been lucky enough to see some of the world's most famous works from some of the most renowned artists. My own private collection is impressive, but there is something that draws me to this painting by Ari. The composition is simple, but there is something I see in the brush strokes...passion...intention...something more...and I'm moved by it.

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