Chp 28: No! We're A Family!

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Ari's POV 🌸

Namjoon and Yoongi worked with Lily all morning as they try and tie up their work on their collaborative song this week; then Yoongi and Joon left after lunch for another work commitment at their company. 

It felt so different working with Joon now that I know we are on the same page. I couldn't help but continually steal glances at him, only to receive sweet smiles and secret winks in return. I had to work hard at keeping the giddy excitement I felt inside tampered down. Throughout the morning, I had to remind myself not just to take pictures of, and film only Joon because my eyes kept trying to train on only him.

After lunch, Lily and Ha-Kun called a meeting in the conference room, and Hyeon, Nabi, and I walked to the conference room together, chatting about the party Saturday night and all the funny things that had happened. I always love when we have time to talk and giggle; they have been so kind to me since I started here, and I've started to think of them as more than just my co-workers.

As we gather around the table, Ha-Kun begins to explain why they've called us together.

"Okay, folks, we just received a last-minute invite to the K-Pop awards show happening on Friday night. That means we will be going as a group to network backstage with agents and managers to ensure we represent Rogue Records and let them know what we can do for their clients."

Lily rests her head on her arm and whimpers dramatically, "Ugh, I hate going to these things soooo much!" 

The way Lily is being so dramatic right now reminds me of Tae, and I have to keep myself from belly laughing. In my peripheral vision, I can tell both Heyon and Nabi are doing the same.

"Lily, please, can you at least try and act like you enjoy doing this work in front of our employees," Ha-Kun smirks as he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, I have a hard time hiding how much I hate this part of the job. I'm a 'no bullshit' kind of woman!" she grins at him devilishly, and I can't help but love this rebellious side of her.

"Anyway," Ha-Kun rolls his eyes and gets the meeting back on track. "Friday, we will not be scheduling any work. Instead, we have a hair and makeup team coming in, and I've already called in a few favors for wardrobe, so none of you have to worry about getting ready. I've also booked transportation to come to pick us up so we can arrive together."

"Thank the universe for you!" Lily responds genuinely, looking relieved that Ha-Kun is so organized.

"No worries, Lily, I've taken care of everything so that when we represent our company, we look damn fine doing it!" He declares with flare and I love it when he lets his personality peek out beyond his normally professional demeanor.

I listen to everyone chat, and I'm in awe. "Are you okay, Ari? You look confused."

"Umm, as just the assistant, do I go with you? Umm, I'm not sure what I would offer since I'm not a producer."

"Absolutely, you can come shadow me just like you have been doing in the studio, and I will show you exactly how it's done and how we market ourselves," Lily smiles. "You are one thousand percent part of this team!"

"Plus, as much as Lily complains, she's actually a master at networking! You'll learn so much from her," Nabi explains.

"True, true! She really knows her shit, and it's fun to watch because she gets hit on a lot, and then she has to wiggle her way out of it without insulting potential clients" Heyon laughs.

"I do not!" Lily exclaims.

"You do!" Nabi, Heyon, and Ha-Kun all say at the same time, and a roar of laughter erupts in the room.

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