Chp. 24: Night Apple is Poison Apple

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Ari's POV 🌸

When we arrive at Ha-Kun's restaurant, we find everyone in the bar, and Lily is behind the piano playing and singing a song with Tae on one side of her and Hobi on the other. She has a glass of whiskey in front of her, and her face has a rosy glow.

I tug on Joon's sleeve gently, and he bends down. I cup my hand and whisper, "Do you think Hobi broke up with his girlfriend because he's secretly in love with Lily. Look at how they look at each other..." I whisper.

Namjoon starts laughing heartily, and when he finally composes himself, he whispers back, "I can guarantee that is not what is happening."

I nod at him but look back toward them and wonder if maybe Joon isn't reading this situation wrong. Hobi always seems so happy with Lily.

"Lily looks pretty toasty," I smirk. I've never seen her drunk before, but she looks like she's having the time of her life.

"This is the only bar she can really go to, so when someone can actually tear her away from work, it ends up being a sight to behold," Namjoon chuckles.

"Why can't she go anywhere else?" I ask without thinking.

"Because she's still considered a 'foreigner,' Ari," Namjoon whispers so only I can hear.

"Oh my gosh, I completely forgot! I'm feeling foolish right now. She just feels so comfortable I forget we look different...." I murmur.

I can feel a knot tighten in my chest a bit when I remember that foreigners are often banned from the bars and clubs here. Our little work family is so tightknit now that I just never look at Lily like she originates from another country. I think about how sad it is that people insist on judging each other by their looks or cultural norms instead of what is inside their hearts.

Damn, the world can be so fucked up sometimes!

"Namjoon, Ari, good to see you both! Welcome!" Ha-Kun extends a warm smile and hugs. His face is flush, and I can tell he's already had a few drinks.

"Ha-Kun, I didn't realize you owned a restaurant," I exclaim while I look around in awe.

"This was my world before Lily, and I went into business together. Now I have a team of great staff who run it for me. However," he declares loudly with a hiccup and a bit of a slur, "today the staff has been sent home, and it's only us, so you can be whoever you want to be tonight!" His words are loud and declarative as he waves his hands around; I have to stifle a giggle.

"So, help yourself to the bar. Pour whatever you want, and help yourself to the buffet. I don't know who is cleaning up the mess later...but fuck it...tonight...we are FREEEEEE!" he laughs and stumbles away towards a table where I see Jimin and Yoongi clinking shot glasses together.

Namjoon gently tugs on my hand, leading me to the bar, and I feel the heat in my body rise. It's not lost on me that this man is holding my hand in front of all the members of his group, as well as everyone from my work and it makes me feel giddy inside.

"Wine?" he asks.

"Yes, please, surprise me," I reply before he can ask me what kind I would like.

"You love a surprise, don't you?" he whispers, and it sounds like a seductive secret between just the two of us.

I feel emboldened by his tone, and my body is responding, "Absolutely, when it involves you..." I murmur for only his ears to hear.

The corner of his mouth turns up as he walks up to the bar to grab us drinks. I look around at the cozy bar. There is an open space around the piano, and small sets of tables and chairs make a semi-circle around it.

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