Chp 14: This is Not Going to be the Last Time; This is Never Gonna Be!

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Ari's POV 🌸

Tae spent a good part of the day with me, and as much as he likes to have fun and go into characters, he simultaneously approached my work with a thoughtful curiousness. He asked great questions and offered his opinions. He carefully provided me with a ton of great feedback about marketing and design.

It didn't dawn on me that all his years in the music business would have taught him so much; I guess I assumed he concentrated on the performing aspect, and I didn't fully realize how much his experience has taught him. Becoming friends with Tae is teaching me more about the human experience than he would ever realize and I love that.

Nearing the end of the day, Yoongi and Namjoon made their way toward the exit, and I waved in their direction. Namjoon paused at my desk for a moment. "Are you staying late?" he questions.

"Oh yes, Lily has a late meeting that I agreed to sit in on. Then I'll be on my way home," I smile.

"Oh, that's too bad. Yoongi volunteered to drive you home on the way to dropping me off at my place. We've been commuting together...."

"Awe, you guys are so sweet. Thanks for thinking of me." I appreciate that he seems to be trying to be friends with me. I've decided that is what is happening. I smile genuinely at him, trying in earnest to display my appreciation, and then we both turn when we see a man coming through the entrance.

"Namjoon, good to see you!" the man bows.

"Hello, Sung-Ho. Nice to see you as well. Have you met Lily's assistant, Ari, before?" Namjoon asks as he nods in my direction.

"No, Hello, Ari!"

"Nice to meet you. Lily and Ha-Kun are expecting you. Please, let me show you the way to the conference room." I reply politely, but I'm still thinking of how thoughtful Namjoon was in making our introduction before he leaves. I send a quick message out to Lily and Ha-Kun, so they know our guest has arrived and collect my things.

"Have a great weekend!" Namjoon calls out before he slips out the door, and I give him a little wave before scooping up my laptop and leading the way.

I lead Sung-Ho to a seat and offer him a beverage before taking my own seat; it's not long before Lily and Ha-Kun arrive.

"Sung-Ho, it is nice to see you," Ha-Kun offers a handshake.

"It's nice to see both of you. Thank you for meeting with me."

"Sung-Ho, my mentor, always a pleasure!" Lily goes in for a hug, and they embrace briefly.

"I wasn't sure you would feel that way after how I handled your departure from my company," Sung-Ho mentions with careful words and I cock an eyebrow, looking up from the document I was formatting to hold our meeting notes.

Well, things just got interesting.

"You did what you had to do with the information you had at the time. I understood then, and I have a deeper understanding now that I have Rogue," Lily responds gently.

"Well, that's what I came here to talk to both of you about. Look, you have built a great company here, but if I'm being honest, it has really cut into my clientele. We've had a lot of people start working with you instead of bringing their business to NORAE." Sung-Ho explains, and I am stunned. I thought this was a meeting about a recording contract with a new artist.

"I hope you know I didn't poach anyone, Sung-Ho. I would never do that to you!" Lily's voice is calm, but I see her shoot a quick look at Ha-Kun.

"Lily speaks the truth. She was left with nothing when you fired her, Sung-Ho. It was through her hard work and determination that she built herself up, and that began after she was deported back to the United States. We built this company from the ground up...." Ha-Kun's words land with an air of strength but are not insulting. I can tell he is making a point.

"I understand, but I've come with an offer to buy out your company. I want to broker a merger, and then Lily and her producers can come to work for me. Everyone wins." Sung-Ho's words silence the room as we all take a collective breath, letting his words sink in.

An immediate panic sets in my stomach. I love this job. I am growing a career here and learning so much. I've never been happier! I can't imagine having to go back to folding clothes at a department store and losing the new friends I'm making.

"Sung-Ho, we truly appreciate your offer, but Rogue Records is my baby, and more than that, it has become my family. I think I can speak for Ha-Kun when I tell you that we are not for sale."

I swear the look in Sung-Ho's eyes darkens as he looks from Lily to Ha-Kun, only to find him in total agreement nodding at Lily's statement.

"Ari, may I have a piece of paper from your little notebook there and a pen?" Sung-Ho inquires while pointing at the tiny notebook I jot reminders in that is lying on the table beside my computer.

"Yes, of course," I mutter trying to control my shaking hands. I reluctantly slide a piece of paper, and my pen, over to him and watch as he jots something down.

"Maybe you will reconsider when you read the price I'm willing to pay," Sung-Ho replies confidently as he slides the piece of paper towards Ha-Kun.

I am beside myself! This is the kind of shit you see in a scene in a movie. Never in my life did I think I would actually see it happening in real life right before my eyes!

Ha-Kun looks at the paper, and I can see his eyes widen; he then he slides the paper over to Lily, who glances down at it briefly. I watch as she locks eyes with Ha-Kun and hold my breath as my fate is decided. They seem to be speaking to each other without a word being uttered. My body begins to quiver uncontrollably while I will myself to sit still. Forcing myself to take a deep breath, I feel like the entire planet has come to a halt as seconds feel like hours.

Lily and Ha-Kun suddenly stand up at the same time, startling both Sung-Ho and myself.

"Sung-Ho, it has been lovely to see you, but again, Rogue Records is not now, or will ever be, for sale. Ari will show you to the door. Take care, old friend."

Lily's words hang heavily in the room and the air feels as if it is rushing back into my lungs. Lily and Ha-Kun bow slightly and demonstrate a power move, the likes I've never seen before, they depart the room together as a sign of solidarity of their final decision. I quickly show a red-faced and visibly unhappy Sung-Ho to the door.

"It was nice meeting you, Sir. Have a good weekend." I say quietly as we reach the exit door. I honestly don't know what else to say!

"Do yourself a favor and find a new job, Ari. Your bosses are complete fools!" he huffs and then angrily strides through the door.

Holy shit!

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