Chp. 35: My Favorite Word is Pigeon

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Ari's POV 🌸

It has been a whirlwind at work. Over the last few weeks, things started moving at a rapid pace as we get ready for Joon's new single to release. I've been finishing up all the media for Lily's social media accounts for when the single drops, and Lily has been working hard on her own album. Yoongi and Joon are busy over BH, and things have been super busy in general for everyone.

Joon and I decided we would fit in one last outdoor adventure before the chaos of his schedule really kicks in for his album. He said that he talked with his company, and they wouldn't be scheduling him so tightly that he can't function, but that it would still be hectic. I wanted us to have one last special outing, and I know he likes to ride his bike, so I asked if he'd like to go riding.

We met up this morning at a park he enjoys, and he leads the way through paths lined with gorgeous trees swaying in the breeze. I understand immediately why he loves it here; it is so serene, with birds and animals emitting the most zen-like soundtrack for the luscious green scenery. As we ride, I glance over and see the sparkle in Joon's eyes, he looks happy and free with the wind on his face, and I truly wish he looked this satisfied all the time.

We ride along until I notice Joon slowing down next to a grassy area with a stream running along the side. I pull up, and we take a moment to access our water bottles and look around.

"There," Joon whispers.

I follow the direction his eyes are staring and find a fluffy brown and white rabbit hop across the grass and behind some bushes, and I'm so glad we got to see it together. Joon looks at me and girns.

"It's special here. Isn't it?"

"Yes. It's more special because I'm with you, though," it feels so good to tell him what I'm feeling.

With Joon, he always appreciates when I share my feelings with him. He never makes me feel bad, and it is something special to have found someone who appreciates vulnerability rather than uses it as a weapon. Joon seems to have learned how to move away from toxic masculinity traits without losing his masculinity, I'm guessing it stems from his career and the way he's had to adapt to the world, and I'm thrilled he is like this.

He looks around briefly to ensure nobody is around and whispers, "If we were somewhere private right now, I would kiss you until you couldn't remember your name." His words are a mix of seductive and sweet all at the same time, and it makes me grin like a fool.

After a long exploration of different parts of the park, Joon leads me down a stony path leading to a small duck pond. It's as if nobody seems to remember this pond is here because nobody is in sight. Parking our bikes, I grab the lunch bag I have packed for us, and we sit down on a quiet park bench overlooking the pond. A line of ducks come waddling by, and we watch them make their way into the water; it ripples as they make their way into the green-blue pond, navigating their way around reeds and lily pads.

"They're so cute," I comment while handing Joon a sandwich.

"Always, taking care of me," his voice sounds grateful as he takes the sandwich from my hands.

"I'd say we take pretty good care of each other," my heart is bursting as I partake in my lunch.

"It's going to get really hard when I drop that single."

Joon is delicate with his words, but when I look into his gorgeous chocolate eyes, I can sense the concern, which hurts my heart a little bit.

"Joon, whatever is about to happen. I'm not going anywhere."

"I know you are saying that now but reality is about to get so much harder. Time together will lesson, my schedule is going to blow up, and Lily is going to have to do damage control," he swallows hard. "Things are about to get wild..."

"Joon, I don't think you understand," I stutter.

"Actually, I think I understand all too well. That's the problem...."

"No, I'm falling in love with you," my words come out before I can stop them.

I don't even think I want to stop them. I knew I would fall for him hard if I didn't stop myself, and since I first laid eyes on him, that is exactly what has happened. Completely, and utterly, head over heels for this man.

"Ari..." he whispers.

He looks around, and we see a family entering the area and heading toward the other side of the pond.

I nod at Joon as he pulls down the brim of his hat and quickly pulls his mask back on. I begin wrapping our sandwiches back up, and we casually pack and start on our way back to the bike paths; the sound of the stone crushing under bike tires rings through the air as we exit the area.

When we clear the path, Joon stops for a moment, and I look back at him. He pulls up next to me, and we look around to make sure nobody is nearby, "This isn't how I planned on telling you, but I'm falling in love with you too. I wish I could kiss you right now. Come home with me? Let me show you how much I care..." he is starry-eyed, and the amount of restraint we have to have is overwhelming.

"Please...." I smile, my heart pounding in my chest.

That afternoon, Joon and I make love in the loveliest, vanilla way. He is sweet and caring, and when we fall apart together, we both end up with tears in our eyes while whispering sweet declarations of love for each other.

"You know, I'll wait until the ends of the earth if that's what it takes to get you through what is about to come next. I just want to be with you whenever we can," I promise.

"Do you think you'd ever feel comfortable enough to come out as my girlfriend when this is all over," his voice is quiet with a slight quiver. "It would be a bit tumultuous at first."

I hadn't told him I've already done my research; diving in deep to learn the ins and outs of dating an idol, so I already understood what I was getting into. I asked Lily all kinds of questions about the risks associated with getting caught with Joon, and I deemed him important enough to take this journey with him.

"Yes, I would do that for you. If that's what you want," I offer softly, brushing the hair away from his eyes. "I already talked to Lily about our situation; she promised that no matter the backlash, if we ever decided to go public, I wouldn't lose my job with Rogue and that we would all take on the storm together."

"You are my person, my Dearest," he replies, and we drift off to sleep wrapped tightly in each other's arms.

I love you.

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