Thank You!

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I wanted to step in and thank you for reading and for being so supportive of my work. I know I've expressed it before, but it means more to me than you could ever know.

Special thanks to Mai and Hayley for your words of encouragement every time I doubted my storytelling abilities. Although, in my real life, I am very much a person that likes to joke and laugh, I also can very much fall into the stereotypical "tortured artist" mindset. You both helped me with your kind words when I had moments of doubt and felt like I had just about given up on my writing abilities. Thanks for pulling me out of the weeds and for being my voices of reason when I was spouting my doubts all over my Instagram stories 🤣💜

There is also a handful of you who have stuck with me from the beginning of this story. I would see when you so graciously liked pages; some of you even left comments here and there. You kept coming back through all the twists and turns. I appreciate you all; you helped give me the motivation to keep going. I'm not going to tag you to protect your anonymity, but you are seen, and you are heard, and I appreciate you! Thanks for being part of this little community we have formed, made up of readers from all over the world who have gathered around me and opened up your hearts and minds to all my story ideas. 

Be well!

With much appreciation and gratitude,

Nora 💜

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