Chp. 27: Shut Up, Malfoy!

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Lily's POV 🌺

Although the single we are working on now will be the first song Joon drops from his new album, it's actually the last song he needs to be completed. He's been quietly working on this album for months, and I worry about how much pressure he puts on himself to make his solo work perfect, especially when I walk into the kitchenette and find him with his head in his hands, looking overwhelmed.

"Joon, hey, what's going on. Are you okay?" I murmur quietly as I sit next to him.

"The company is starting to pressure me about launch dates and the marketing schedule for my album." Joon rubs his hands through his hair, the stress reflecting in his eye, "I just want it all to be different this time around. I'm not sure I want to keep an insanely packed, tight schedule with my solo work...."

"Hey, you know what. Tell them, Joon. Tell them what you need..." I rub my hand over his arm for a moment, and he looks up with tears in his eyes.

"The entire point of this album is to break the cycle and speak my truths," he breathes in deeply, trying to steady himself. "I'm not sure they truly understand what I'm trying to do here."

"Joon, the company was built on the backs of all seven of you and your hard work..." I start.

"Not exactly," he cuts in, "I don't think you understand how much other investors put it, and we owe them our..."

I know where he is going with his line of thinking, and it's the moment that our cultural differences are going to clash -we look at this situation completely differently from each other. Joon has been taught to be humble in his approach to all things, and I grew up feeling like I had to kick and scream from the mountain tops for survival.

"Joon..." he stops speaking and looks at me finally.

"I just need you to stop being humble about your success for one moment. Just give me one moment," I plead with him softly, and he nods.

"Tell them what you need. Insist they do things in a way that supports your well-being. Tell them that you are an adult now, and you better understand who you are and what you need."

"I'm so close to these people; I don't want to hurt anybody..." he starts to break, his shoulders wobbling a bit while he tries to control his emotions. "What if they say no?"

"And what if they say yes?" I look into his dark eyes and see the doubt in his eyes. "Plus, you only have five years left on your contract, right?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Joon wipes away a runaway tear, looking confused.

"It means that five years feels like forever, but it will pass at lightning speed while all seven of you work on your solo careers." I begin carefully. "If you aren't happy when your contract is up, leave. Joon, you can walk away! You can always take the spare room here at Rogue and make your own studio space. You can make music when you want, or not, you can manage yourself."

"Oh my God, Lily, I could never," Joon shakes his head in shock, but his eyes are full of curiosity.

"I'm not saying work for me, Joon; I'm just saying you can use the spare space. Start your own company; develop whatever works for you..."

He looks at me in complete disbelief.

"You think I wasn't scared to start my own company with Ha-Kun? It was terrifying. You are so talented, Joon; you don't have to manage other acts. I'm not suggesting that. Just do you, make your music, stop being an idol, start being Joon or another version of RM or whoever the hell you want to be! Say what you want to say, when you want to say it, and deal with the consequences as they come."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," he chuckles, and I see the tension begin to lift from his shoulders.

"I fuck up all the damn time, and I'm still standing!" I laugh, sitting back in my chair. "I've sworn, said stupid things, got caught in bed with my ex-girlfriend, fought with a DJ on air....and I just keep coming back fighting."

"That fighting spirit is part of why we all adore you," he smiles shyly.

"Well, we all adore you too, Joon." My tone is full of compassion for this man, whom I consider one of my favorite friends in the entire universe. "Just know, Ha-Kun and I have your back no matter what. If you need to get on your feet someday, we will be here; but don't count out BH. Speak up and see what they will negotiate with you. You may be pleasantly surprised. I hate to see you in so much anguish over who you are and how you need to get your message out there."

"I need this album to tell the world who I am," he whispers.

"Don't forget that who we changes every day, with every new experience, even in the most minuscule ways. This album doesn't need to be the message to define the entire rest of your life and career, Joon." I look at this man who has sacrificed so much of himself for his career, "Think of it as just a chapter in an ongoing novel. It is just describing a moment in your story; it doesn't have to be the entire story."

"Thanks, Lily. I appreciate that you are always willing to speak truthfully with me. Yoongi is really lucky to have someone like you; you know that?" Joon's words touch me; we've come so far together, especially in the last few months. It's like we've turned a corner and have found our way back to that friendship that means so much to me, and it makes my heart sing.

"Damn right, he's lucky!" I declare with a smirk on my face.

Joon laughs heartily, not expecting me to respond this way; his laughter sounds hopeful, and I take it as a sign that he realizes he doesn't have to feel trapped in his world. There are always choices.

"Come on," I chuckle, "let's get some coffee and get back to work."

Sometimes people just need to know they have a lifeline available, even if they never intend on using it.

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