Chp. 53: Saranghae

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Joon's POV 🪴

I jump up and swiftly make my way to Ari, picking her up in my arms, "Are you okay?" I whisper.

"You two have a good night," I hear Jimin say cheerfully before he vanishes back to his vehicle.

"I am now," she coos in my ear, and it's the bells on the wind I've been waiting for.

"Can I come in?" I ask as I carry her back to her door, afraid to let her go.

"Yes," she giggles, a few tears sliding down her cheeks.

She opens the door, and we enter. I lean back and lock the door as we toe-off our shoes. I begin trying to figure out what to say to her, but when I look up, she jumps on me before I can utter a word and slide my hands under her ass as she wraps her legs around me, nuzzling her face in my neck.

"I missed you so much, Joonie," she whispers in my ear, and I'm relieved she's made the first move. Hearing her call me a nickname feels like I'm home again. "Did you really go on television and tell the world you want me back?"

I nod as I sit her on the kitchen counter. I look her over, she's as beautiful as ever, and I'm so relieved to be back in her apartment. "I was respectful, I didn't use your name, but yes."

"Joonie," she utters as she pulls me to her. Resting her cheek on my chest, I run my hands through her hair, feeling it softly fall through my fingertips. It feels like I was just ushered into paradise.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to get my shit together, but I promise you I have," I say softly while I trace my fingertips down her back. "Can we talk?"

"Yes, but can I wash up from this shitty, yucky club I was at. Ugh, I hated it; I want the stench off me," she blushes.

"Absolutely, take your time. I'm not going anywhere ...."

She kisses the top of my hand and scurries to her closet, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, and takes the quickest shower known to man. When she returns, smelling like soap and running a comb through her silky locks, she finds me sitting on her bed with an envelope in my hand.

Ari sets the hairbrush down and sits next to me.


Ari's POV 🌸

"What's this?" I ask, looking at the envelope that seems to be stuffed full.

"Notes I've been writing down since we separated and decided to work on ourselves," Joon shares.

He opens the envelope and hands me a scrap of paper. I look down and see scribbled on it,

Today I remembered the first day we worked together, and I was so disappointed in how I looked in the pictures you took, but you were bold and told me I was crazy and that I looked beautiful. You are the first person that made me feel like you genuinely meant what you were saying.

Then he hands me another.

Today, I thought about the day I saw your Instagram and discovered you were a fantastic artist and loved the outdoors. It was the first time I felt truly connected to someone.

And then he hands me another.

Today, I remembered when you opened yourself up to me and told me all about your mother as we drove to the beach. It was the first honest conversation I had with a woman that wasn't centered around me being an idol or that didn't feel like I was being tricked into intimacy. You were so honest and raw. My heart sang that day.

And the notes kept coming over and over...

Today, I remembered when you sat down on the floor with me and taught me how to let go of my inhibitions; we created art together, and you told me I have a creative artist inside me.

Today, I remembered how you didn't judge me about my hard limits and let me be free to be myself in the bedroom. I've never felt closer to anybody else.

Today, I remembered when I kissed you for the first time, and it was the first time I felt like I had found my home.

Note after note came—six months' worth of Joon's thoughts and ideas. The tears in my eyes practically blur my vision until he hands me the last note.

Today, I found out you went on a date thinking I gave up on us. Please say you haven't given up, and we can find our way back to each other. I love you, Ari! Because of you, I've truly learned to love myself and discovered how to fully open my heart to you. Please, tell me if you feel the same way.

"Oh, Joon," I cry and set the pile of notes down gently on my bedside table and move closer to Joon." Let's never let each other go again. I love you too. I never stopped. I just needed us to have time..."

Before I can finish my sentence, he scoops me into his arms, and I wrap my hands around his neck, my fingers tips sneaking up into his hair as I press my lips to his. I melt into him. He wraps one arm around my waist, pulling me tightly against his chest, and then cups my chin with his other hand and kisses me over and over until my swollen lips can barely take any more.

"From now on, I promise to stop and take a deep breath before I make a snap judgment. I'm committed to giving you the benefit of the doubt. I know you aren't like all the others..." Joon shares.

"I promise too. We'll have our share of disagreements like any normal couple, but I won't be so afraid of losing you that I withhold important information," I add.

He runs his fingertips lazily up my arm, "I noticed you said couple..." he smiles.

"Would you like that?"

"More than anything," He answers truthfully as he kisses the top of my head.

"You are stuck with me now, you know?" I whisper gleefully.

"Finally!" He laughs and I feel his arms tighten around me.

"Can you spend the night?"

"I want to spend all the nights we can together from now on," he whispers in reply, and his voice is like paradise.

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