Chp. 51: We Love Panda Express

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Ari's POV 🌸

"So, are you excited to have Lily coming back to work soon?" Hobi asks over lunch.

"I am; she's been gone for six months! Even though she will start with working half days at first, it will be good to have her energy back in the building. We've missed her," I share before scooping some noodles into my mouth.

"You should be so proud of yourself for how you've stepped up into managing the office. You've grown so much from your first day! You went from being nervous about making marketing materials to running with your ideas and ensuring that Heyon and Nabi have everything they need to keep producing projects," Jimin muses.

"Thanks so much. I've learned so much, and I just wanted to make things as easy as possible for Ha-Kun," I smile. "He's such a good guy."

"He is," Jimin agrees quietly. "I haven't seen him around lately. Is he doing okay?"

"Yes, he is doing really well. He still stops in to see Lily twice a week, and then he happened to meet a really nice man he's been quietly dating," I reveal delicately.

"Really?" Hobi smiles as he takes some pork belly off the grill in the center of the table. "When did he have time to meet someone? Ha-Kun is so busy!"

"It is one of the male nurses Yoongi hired to care for Lily when she was still in rough shape after she came home," I share.

Jimin starts coughing on his food, and Hobi reaches over and gives him a hard slap on the back, "You okay, bro?"

"Yes," Jimin coughs. "The food just went down the wrong pipe!" He takes a long sip of water while he collects himself.

"Well, that is super convenient. Go visit your loved one, and end up with a boyfriend!" Hobi chuckles while shoving a piece of pork into my mouth. "Try this!"

I start to laugh from the unexpected intrusion, and Jimin rolls his eyes at us. "I absolutely am starting to believe you have a fetish for feeding the women we know," Jimin says with a smirk, only to have Hobi cock an eyebrow at Jimin before returning his attention to his own dish.

"So, tell us, how is it going with Namjoon now?" Hobi asks, changing the subject.

I frown as I stir the food in my bowl and consider how to answer Hobi's question. When I look up, I see both Jimin and Hobi staring at me, and I realize I have been thinking for quite a while.

"Well, the short it's not going," I reply as I look out into the quiet restaurant. "When we do bump into each other, he is a gentleman, but I think I've been friend-zoned. He is just polite, but that is it. I guess we weren't meant to be," I sigh. "I'm glad I got to know him when I had the chance, though. I don't regret it. I guess he doesn't feel the same now that so much time has passed."

Jimin frowns at Hobi, and they seem to share a quiet conversation with their eyes that I don't quite understand. I assume they just feel pity for me, which I don't want. I don't want anybody feeling bad for me.

"I'm sorry it turned out that way," Jimin finally replies, and Hobi widens his eyes for a moment before looking down at his bowl.

The words hang in the air between us as we all concentrate on eating for a few minutes. "Ari? Hey, how are you?" a voice cuts into the silence, and I look up to see a handsome face I recognize from the studio. He is an up-and-coming idol who has been working on a project with Nabi for the last three months.

"Oh, hi Kwan, how are you?" I smile, Kwan has been a sweetheart since he contracted with Rogue Records, and Nabi has said he has been a dream to work with. Polite, nice, respectful. It was a breath of fresh air.

"Good, I finished up my contract with Nabi today! I'm excited for my project to come out in a few months!" he shares cheerfully.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, Kwan; these are my friends Jimin and Hoseok." They all nod politely to each other, and I continue, "Congratulations on your project. Nabi said it was a pleasure working with you!"

Kwan's cheeks turn a dusty pink as he looks down, and then he looks back up with dark almond eyes, peering into my own, and I'm not sure where to look.

"Umm, my friends and I are going out to a private club this Saturday night. It's private, with no prying eyes; the music and the drinks are supposed to be great," he says nervously. "I was wondering if you would like to go with me?"

"Oh," I say, stunned, and I watch Jimin's head jerk up from his food; I can feel his gaze on me as I look away.

"You know, I'm not usually a club kind of a woman," I begin, and then after a brief pause, I change course. "You know what? Yes, sure. I will come to check it out with you..." I decide unexpectedly, trying to sound confident in my decision.

"Wow, okay, I'll give you my number, and we can make arrangements," he says eagerly, and we quickly exchange numbers. He tells me the club's name as he happily saves my phone number, "I'll be in touch soon..."

We say our goodbyes, and when I turn back toward the table, Hobi and Jimin are just staring at me.

"Wow, that was unexpected..." I say to break through the awkwardness.

"Those exlusive clubs can still be very dangerous places. Not all idols are good people," Jimin shares with a slight frown on his face.

"I'll be careful," I reply while I digest his words.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see you go out on a date with someone other than, Namjoon..." Hobi says in awe.

My eyes start to water, and I look at the ceiling for a moment while I stay determined not to cry. "Oh, I'm sorry, Ari, don't cry..." Hobi utters softly.

"I'm not going to cry," I say, determined. "I've been hoping for months that Joon would be ready to reach back out to me. I need to stop being foolish and move on. He obviously has..."

"Just remember to call me if you need a rescue." Jimin's voice is solemn. "I hate that you agreed to go there."

"I promise to call if things get weird," I agree as I reach for some rice and decide to change the subject. "So, Hobi, tell me all about your new solo album you are working on. Are we getting dark, Jack in the Box, Hobi -or are you going in another direction this time?"

"Oh, wait until you see what I'm doing this time! Whole new me! I'm going in a completely different direction!" he smiles broadly.

I love learning about Hobi's new project. Hobi has become a modern-day Lady Gaga, constantly changing and trying something new styles and genres of music. It seems so fitting for him to explore all his hidden talents lurking underneath the surface, and I listen as he excitedly shares the details.

Oh, Joon. I wish I was seeing you instead of Kwan.


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