Chp. 40: I Love Your Sexy Brain

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Ari's POV 🌸

It's been a few weeks of an absolutely frantic schedule for everyone. There was some initial backlash with fans upset with Namjoon for acting...well...acting normal, but six weeks later, his single with Lily is still at the top of the charts, and people seemed to have started to calm down and embrace his new image. The more serious threats to Lily seemed to have subsided, and we are all beginning to breathe again.

At first, it was strange to see some of the sexy pictures the marketing team put out with his shirt unbuttoned dangerously low and his abs being shared with people other than me, but I know at the end of the day, I'm the one that gets to curl up and read books with him and sleep in his arms.

Joon and I have had to sneak in chances to see each other, and this afternoon a driver picked me up and drove me about an hour outside of the city to a beautiful home Joon has on a decent plot of land. He uses this as a retreat when he wants to get away from his apartment in the city.

When I get there, Joon greets me at the door with a long kiss. Dropping my bag on the floor with a thud, I wrap my arms around his neck. "Baby, I've missed you," I cry softly, and he lifts me up while I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me into the open living space, gently sets me on the kitchen counter, and we stay tangled in each other's arms, teasing each other's lips and sharing long passionate kisses.

"You don't know how many times a day I dream of kissing you," Joon moans into my mouth while I glide my hands through his hair.

"Can we just stay in this moment forever?" I ask, and he smiles and pulls me tightly against his chest. I can hear his heart pounding and the longer I stay pressed against him, the more in synch our hearts become. It's the most relaxed I've ever felt.

"Yes," he simply sighs, and I love that he's missed me as well. We stay locked in place for a long time, just relishing that we are wrapped together.

"By the way, Ha-Kun called today. He is throwing a small get-together at his restaurant with our group of friends to celebrate how well the song collaboration with Rogue Records and my album is doing on the charts next weekend. Will you be my plus one even though you are already on the guest list?"

"Of course, I'd love to be your plus one," it takes my breath away to think about Joon wanting to be with me and not hide our relationship in front of his closest friends. Even though we have been dating for a little while now, it still gives me butterflies in my stomach.

I squeeze him tightly, "By the way, I brought a surprise for you," I share shyly.

"Oh really, what is it?" he asks playfully.

"It's in my bag; let me go get it."

Joon picks me up and helps me off the counter, gently setting me on the ground, and I pad back to the entrance; reaching into my overnight bag, I take out a carefully wrapped rectangle. When I return, I find him sitting on the couch with an adorably cute look on his face filled with curiosity.

I hand over the wrapped gift, and he grins. "Open it," I smile.

"You don't have to get me anything, Dearest," he says softly, "You are gift enough, you know that, right?"

"Please, I wanted to. I mean, don't get excited; it's no Louis Vuitton," I blush, trying to ensure his expectations are not set too high by accident.

He pats my hand with a soft smile, and his look tells me he hasn't forgotten we are not even close to being in the same tax bracket. "Wow, this is heavy," he observes as he picks up the gift.

He thoughtfully unwraps it and then pauses, his eyes wide like saucers. In his hands, he finds a thick coffee table book about the history of Korean art and design.

"Oh, Ari...." he breathes out, stunned.

"Open the inside cover!" I urge.

Inside he finds an inscription and a signature from the author.

" the author sign this? How did you get this?" he asks with surprise.

"I found out she was having an event at a bookstore in Seoul, and I stood in line to have her sign it," I smile. "I know this isn't a fancy first edition book by someone famous, but...."

Before I can finish my sentence, Joon's lips are crashing into mine, and he's scooping me into his arms, "This is one of the most thoughtful gifts anyone has ever given me," he whispers as he gently leans his forehead against mine.

"I just thought you'd really enjoy reading it, so...."

"You don't have to explain; I appreciate you so much," he utters.

He scoops me up and folds me into his arms, and I end up cozy, tucked up under his arm, my cheek on his chest.

Joon leans over and picks up the heavy book with ease, "Let's see what we have here," he says gleefully, making me feel warm inside. We spend the afternoon flipping through pages and talking about art and history.

I made an early dinner, then we curled back up and chatted about things we'd like to do together in the future, including some hiking adventures, museums to see, and places we'd like to visit.

At some point, I feel my eyes grow heavy and Joon running his hands down my hair and back lovingly, telling me it's okay to fall asleep. His arms holding me makes me feel safe and warm.

The last thing I remember is hearing him whisper, "I love you, Ari," before I drift off into sleep.

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