Chp: 21: Got Me Ready to Blow!

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Lily's POV 🌺

This week it's been nose to the grindstone with recording. I've been having Ari spend the first half of her day taking footage and shadowing us in my studio and then the second half of the day working on the redevelopment of the website and our other social media accounts. She's doing such an excellent job, and I'm super proud of her.

The song is shaping up, and we've started recording a few different versions to see what is working and what is not. We've been at it all morning, and now we are having lunch in the conference room while Ari projects a few video clips up on the big screen that she's edited so that Yoongi, Joonie, and I can see the overall look and theme she put together for the work.

I watch as Ari steals glances at Joon once in a while to gauge his reaction, and I try to keep my face neutral. I feel like I was doing the same thing with Yoongi a few years ago, and I hope that things are going well outside of work for these two. They certainly seem to be sneaking admiring looks at each other when the other isn't looking, and it's a joy to witness.

"Ari, this is so good. The footage you put together truly does look like something out of a documentary. I think people will quite like to get a glimpse of what happens behind the scenes. We've had success with this in the past." Yoongi explains, and I still get butterflies in my stomach when I hear him speak about business.

Yoongi and I haven't worked on a project together in several years, and it feels good to have the opportunity to experience each other in this manner again. Seeing him working and in his element is so hot. The heat rising between my thighs is starting to get to me and I can already tell that I am going to tackle Yoongi tonight as soon as we are alone. When his eyes wander over to mine, he smirks, recognizing the absolute lust in my eyes.

Fuck. This man will never not be sexy to me. All these years and the attraction only gets stronger.

"I agree. This is great; you have a natural talent for film editing and design," Joon adds, and I see a light spark in Ari's eyes.

We dig into our dishes after watching Ari's clips and discuss the next steps needed for our project. A loud knock comes on the plate glass wall of windows that border one side of the conference room. I look up to see a broad smile reflecting back at me, and I wave.

I stand to greet our visitor as he runs up to me, "Jackson, you are back in town! How was Los Angeles?" He wraps his svelt body around me for a warm hug and I chuckle over his bubbly personality.

"It was fantastic! The interviews went really well, and I had some pretty well-received performances!" he replies with a warm hug.

Jackson is always so sweet. His laugh comes easy, and he's quick with a joke which I enjoy immensely. I worked with him recently on a solo project while his group fought to keep their rights to their name and work, and he has become a good friend.

"Namjoonah!" Jackson yells and practically tackles him. "Why? Why do you insist on never answering your phone when I call?"

"Hi Jackson, I've been busy. You know -I'm always busy!" Joonie says calmly with a warm smile as he tries to survive Jackson's gigantic personality.

"Interesting, because I always have time for you!" Jackson laughs good-naturedly, but then he composes himself when his eyes meet Ari's.

"Hi there. You are new! What's your name?" Jackson asks with a wide grin as he stops in his tracks as his eyes drag over Ari, taking her all in. 

Ari is attractive but doesn't know it. She's the kind of woman that people drool over as she passes them by, and she has absolutely no idea. I notice Joonie stiffen in his seat and the vein in his neck begins to pop out as his smile turns into a straight line. That's all the confirmation I need to know he is smitten with Ari, and I decide to step in.

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