Chp 29: Do You Know BTS?

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Ari's POV 🌸

Nabi and Heyon sit me between them in the car as we are driven to the award show, and they tell me all about how to wear my credentials, and what to expect.

"Honestly, famous people are like anybody else, just with a lot more makeup and expensive clothes. Some are great, and many are assholes, just like you find at a 'regular' job. After you do this a few times, it won't feel like such a big deal anymore, but more like another day at the office," Nabi explains.

"Why am I so nervous about this?" I can feel that familiar pumping begin in my chest, and I'm nervous I may have a full-on anxiety attack in the middle of the event.

I feel Heyon loop her elbow through mine. "Don't worry, Ari. If you start to get nervous, you can come find Nabi or me, and we will ensure you are in good hands!"

I lean my head onto her shoulder quickly and say thank you. When I first met these two women, I felt so inferior to them with their strong personalities and confidence, but over time, I found they were two of the purest souls I have ever met. I think my mother would be happy if she knew I had these two wonderful women helping to guide me through the beginnings of my career.

As we show our credentials and get ushered into the venue's backstage area, Lily tugs my elbow and leans in quietly, "We are strong, capable women. We deserve to be in this space, we do great work, and if anybody tries to give you even an ounce of shit, you tell me, and I will make sure they know exactly who the fuck we are. The Rogue Records family doesn't take shit from anybody," she winks, and I can't help but chuckle. Lily is only 5'4, but she is force to be reckoned with.

After a few hours of hobnobbing with managers and PR people, I'm awed with just how natural Lily is at this. She's a real pro, knows what Rogue has to offer, and understands how to market our talents. It's quite something to behold. 

Sometimes I overhear Nabi talking with prospective clients about the latest recording equipment that's hot on the market, or I see Heyon talking to a few idols as they filter in and out of the staging area; they seem to adore her, and it grabs the attention of a lot of important people in the room.

 Ha-Kun is dashing in a suit, giving out business cards which seemed so out of fashion, but somehow, he makes it seem impossibly cool and on-trend. Everyone that speaks with him can't help but be charmed. I'm really in awe of how well the night has gone.

"Time to go sit down," Lily smiles as she leads our little group down a side hallway, we show our credentials to a person at the door. It's not long before we are sitting in a row of seats that have been reserved for us. We are out of the range of the camera crews but close enough to have a fantastic view of the stage.

"Here come our boys," Nabi smiles, and I grin at her. "You are going to love this!"

The stage lights go dark,  then a few moments later, spotlights turns on, illuminating each of the  guys one by one. It's dramatic, and the effect comes off so well on stage. Then the lights seem to connect transforming the view from focusing on the individuals to one cohesive group.

I don't recognize the song they are signing, but it doesn't matter. Dressed in pastel-colored outfits that are tailored to each of the members perfectly, they are bathed in the light, looking down-right ethereal, and it is a sight to behold.

I can't get over how beautiful, and unique Jimin's voice is; draped in pale violet tones his body moves like liquid, and I'm taken with how lovely he looks on stage.

Tae is dressed in a soft blue-gray color; his voice is like velvet, deep and soulful. I witness him embody that confidence he is always telling me about, and my heart swells seeing my friend in his element.

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