Chp. 16: Lachimolala

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Ari's POV 🌸

It has been another wonderful morning of recording footage, and pictures, and learning how these three artists work together. I excused myself after receiving some vague directions on how to find a bathroom and wander out in the hallway. I try not to spend too much time looking at the various pieces of art on the walls, and tucked into unassuming corners, but I can't help but stop here and there and take a peek.

I realize I've maybe taken one too many right turns when I find myself in a hallway I don't recognize. This place is like a maze!

"Shit, did I come from this direction?" I whisper.

"Hey, Ari! Are you lost?" A voice happily cuts through my confusion.

"Jimin! Oh my Gosh, you are an angel sent from above! I am sooooo lost! This place is like a giant, gray, corn maze I can't find my way out of!" I cry with a laugh.

Jimin starts laughing hysterically, "Okay, that's a new description -haven't heard that one before!"

"Jimin, please! I am so embarrassed right now, but if I don't find a restroom room quickly, we will have a serious problem!" I whisper, a dusting of pink covering my cheeks.

"No worries! This way!" He leads me back around a few turns, and we find ourselves in front of a restroom door.

"Thank you, Jimin-Angel!" I laugh and bump his elbow with mine. "That's your new nickname now," I murmur as if I was telling him a secret, and I can hear him giggling as I disappear into the restroom.

When I finish using the facilities, I find Jimin in the hallway waiting for me. "Here, let me show you back from where you came. What room are you working in?"

"Namjoon's studio," I reply. "I'm so sorry to be taking up your time!"

"Don't be! It's my pleasure. Any friend of Lily's is a friend of mine. That's how our little family works, and if Lily thinks you belong, then you do," he says confidently.

I blush and loop my elbow through his. I don't know what has possessed me to be so bold, but he doesn't flinch as we walk in unison. "So, Jimin-Angel," I begin, and he laughs, embarrassed at my use of the nickname I've coined for him. "What are you up to today?"

"Hobi and I are working on some choreography ideas for a little side project we work on once in a while with Jungkook. I am meeting him in a bit in one of our dance practice rooms."

"Oh, that is nice. Now, who is Jungkook?" I ask. "I know I've heard the name before."

"He's another member of our group," his words come out between laughs. "I love that you have no idea who any of us are. It's hilarious and refreshing!"

"I'm actually embarrassed right now," I admit, but being in Jimin's presence makes me feel calm for some reason. "It's overwhelming. I feel like there are twenty of you! I'm always meeting someone new."

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it when you get to know each of us, and if you are working for Lily, then you will come across us all in good time." His words are not mean, and he doesn't seem to mind that I sometimes don't know my ass from my elbow.

"Here we are, Miss Ari. This is the door you need to go through," he explains as we reach the door with the opaque glass again.

"Thank you, Jimin-Angel! Hopefully, the next time I see you, you won't need to save me from the corn maze hallways!"

He presses a code into the black keypad next to the door and chuckles as he pulls it open for me, and I slip quietly into the studio. I turn back just in time to see him give me a soft smile paired with a little wave, and then he helps ensure the door shuts quietly behind me.

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