Chp 8: Don't Worry! I'm Not Afraid!

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Ari's POV 🌸

Friday rolls around, and I am in the conference room getting it all set up for Lily and Ha-Kun. They stride in with full smiles, ready for my presentation.

I lower the lights and share my laptop screen on the large monitor against the wall. Taking a deep breath, I start my spiel that I have been practicing nonstop to be ready for this very moment. 

"So, here are some of my ideas about the direction we could go in for Rogue's social media accounts." I share with them a variety of color pallets, filters, and ideas about live Q and A sessions. Then I show them a mock-up of what I think all of this could look like, as well as some ideas from some successful creators that I think we can use as inspiration in our own approach.

My body is shaking slightly, and I try and slow down my speech a bit; my adrenaline is causing me to speak at an accelerated pace. I'm so nervous, but when I finally glance at Lily and Ha-Kun, they are both nodding and smiling, which makes me feel encouraged to keep trudging ahead. I then dive into my ideas for Lily's personal social media accounts and show a complete revamp of how I think we could curate her content. I explain my ideas thoughtfully and show how we could build continued interest in her music and brand, in return, helping to keep Rogue Records in the spotlight as well.

As I'm nearing the end of my presentation, the conference door opens, and two men with broad smiles enter and quietly sit down at the large conference table—a dark-haired man next to Lily, and a blond next to Ha-Kun. I'm shocked, but both Lily and Ha-Kin quickly greet them with smiles and squeezes, and then Lily puts her finger to her lips, warning them to remain quiet.

My body had finally calmed down, but the new visitors activate my nerves again, making me shake all over for a moment. With a deep breath, I pull myself together quickly, my determination to finish strong wills away my fears. "So, I hope you are interested in my ideas; I'd love your feedback and to answer any questions you may have."

The dark-haired man sits up, slides Lily's notebook over in front of himself, and then steals her pen right out of her hand.

 "Yes, I have a question," he says seriously while acting like he's pushing a pair of glasses up the bridge of his nose, but none are there.

It takes all of me not to chuckle as I wonder who this handsome man, with the apparent sense of humor, is. 

"Absolutely, Sir. What is your question?"

"What is your name?"

"My name is Ari."

"Okay, great. A-R-I," he says while scribbling down my name on the piece of paper.

"Give me back my pen, Tae!" Lily laughs and takes her pen out of his hand. "What do you say, Ha-Kun? I think this is amazing!"

"I do too! Ari, you should be so proud of yourself. I think we should run with this. The color pallet you chose is so calming, but it's your design sense that I'm so in love with. Our social accounts scream, 'I was thrown together in a rush,' but your ideas will help capture that Rogue energy we truly want to express! Bravo!"

"I like it too. You did a great job!" the blonde smiles with a sparkle in his eye and I feel the urge to look down at my feet. His smile is subtle but sexy, and it makes me involuntarily blush.

"We are in agreement then!" Lily chuckles, "However these two have no say in the matter whatsoever!"

"Lily, I'm the father of your children. I think I get to have an opinion!" The gorgeous dark-haired man exclaims with a wicked grin as he rakes his hand through his dark locks, the subtle curls pushing through his fingers only to fall perfectly into place. He looks like he just rolled out of bed after being completely satisfied. These two newcomers are so good-looking it is almost unnerving.

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