Volume 1: Ceaseless Discipline

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A big 'Thank You' to GhillieCamo. One of the authors (Along Fictionstrange and DireLaxion) that encouraged me to start my old account in 2019 and also one of the authors that introduced me to furry stories.

Name: John Kingsman
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: 6'3
Infantry: The Kingsmen
Rank: Soldier

Name: John KingsmanSpecies: HumanAge: 18Height: 6'3Infantry: The KingsmenRank: Soldier

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(Frankly, either could be John. They're sporting the same armor so you can pick either of the two. They're called The Kingsmen because their armors resemble 16th-century medieval knights.)

Quick Bio: John was raised by a single father, Jackson Kingsman. His mother died after giving birth and his father had to raise him with the help of his uncle. His father was the founder of 'The Kingsmen' and has trained John his whole life despite the warfare between the two species so he can hold the qualities to become the next leader of 'The Kingsmen' and with the help of his uncle, Josiah. After the passing of his father protecting John from the furries, Josiah promised to raise the boy until he turned 18 where Josiah now embued John with the vow to avenge his father and passed down his temporary leadership down to John, allowing John to become the new leader of 'The Kingsmen' after his old man. John, filled with hate and antipathy towards furries, has grown an insatiable lust to slaughter any furry he sees in cold blood, each death conforming as a respectable letter to his father that he mourns for his death every day. However, before becoming the leader of 'The Kingsmen', complications happen and chaos spirals out of control.

Name: Annika Lindén
Species: Red Dragon
Age: 25
Height: 7'1
Infantry: The New World Leadership
Additional Bio: Swedish Leader Of TNWL (The New World Leadership.)

Quick Bio: Annika is portrayed as a hater of humans, and by that, they mean that she hates humans so much that she won't hesitate to kill any human she sees

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Quick Bio: Annika is portrayed as a hater of humans, and by that, they mean that she hates humans so much that she won't hesitate to kill any human she sees. But when given orders to not kill John and to bring him in for questioning she had to hold her tongue back. But Annika isn't the angry dragon everyone knows when it comes to her fellow kind. She is nice, kind, and sympathetic, she even offers to help in orphanages for furries who lost their parents in battle. But to humans? A big no-no from her. Adult humans are one thing but human children? She becomes a bit 'Moral' when it comes to that.

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