7. Bloodstained Interception

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Faith's Pov.

The ride back to Fort Argent was still pretty awkward, mostly because Nina and I have been glaring at each other ever since we both almost threatened to cut our throats out right then and there. Frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of her and Annika pretending as if they own us just because Annika is the leader of the Spec Ops Division, but I hardly give a fuck and do my shit without her permission.

Eventually, at some point, Sloan fell asleep on my shoulder, hugging it tightly as she leaned her head on my shoulder blade. "Cute." I quietly giggled as I listened to her lightly snoring. "Must be hard breathing in that thing." I said, gently pulling her ski mask down, raising her goggles to her forehead, and caressing her hair down as I tried not to wake her up before we get back to base. "You wanna get some shots when we get back?" Alice asked me and I rolled my eyes playfully, "Ask me something I don't want to do?" I replied and Alice giggled at my response. "She fell asleep too quickly, don't you think?" She asked me and I looked down at Sloan who was still hugging my arm as if it was some sort of body pillow, the thought made me smile a bit as I can imagine that's what Sloan must be dreaming about right now.

"Poor thing hasn't had much sleep lately, sleep for us is rare and I guess she's taking her sweet ass time to get as much of it as she can." I said, still keeping my eyes on Sloan as she still let out soft snores. "Hey, Faith, going back to John..." Alice said and I looked at her upon the mention of John. "What about him?" I asked, preparing if Alice were to change her mind about letting him stay, but thankfully it wasn't about that.

"I don't know, it's just that I never thought the day would come where we would ever try to see the worth inside of a human such as John, who's from the species we're fighting against. Honestly, I expected him to try to escape and call us out to the Kingsmen by now but he hasn't tried anything, so I guess we can't exactly "Call Him Out" for doing nothing that would endanger all of us. I guess I'm just worried he'll turn on us once we lower our guard off." She replied and I knew exactly where she was coming from. "Yeah, I hear you, but we shouldn't give up just yet Alice. Think about it, this might just be evidence that we're onto something that could save all of us, including humans. Sure, John doesn't seem trustworthy, but it's not because of his character, it's because he's human. We're making them all out to be murderers and rapists because of what they are, not because of who they are. I know this may be "Shocking", coming from an anthro, but I don't think all humans are as evil as we make them out to be. The majority are vengeful while the others are only doing it for dominion over us, but I can be positive to say that some humans are genuinely not as evil as the ones we make them out to be. Some are probably wanting to befriend us but the other humans won't let them, and because they would be seen as "Traitors" to humans for wanting to be friends with us, and some of us won't let them try because we make them out as evil because of what they are, not for who they are. Have you ever wondered why most of the humans we kill beg for mercy? It's because they don't want to fight us, but we kill them for being humans." I told her and she nodded, quietly confessing that she felt remorseful for interpreting John as a double agent when he hasn't done anything to be made out as one. 

"You're right. Looking back, John pretty much has nothing else, I mean, yeah, he still has his "Uncle Josiah" and the rest of the Kingsmen, but that's about all he has left. Poor guy lost his parents and his uncle is the only family he's got. And now, he believes that he'll be all alone in this world if the Kingsmen find out about his "Entente" with us and will abandon him. Honestly, I wouldn't want to be in his place and it hurts to see him like that. And the fact that he believes that his parents will hate and disown him for orienting himself with us hurts more." Alice replied and I abundantly agreed with her, nodding my head slowly as I also felt horrible for what John was going through.

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