9. Little Dark Age V

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(Gore Warning)

It's done at last. Yes, this chapter is just as long as the last one - I won't lie to you about that. Well, perhaps not, but what would you get if you added another 1,000 words? You get a chapter that has a set of words totaling 41.8k. Yes, and you're wondering why it took an entire month to finish this chapter. To be honest with you all, though, it was enjoyable. I suppose you can't blame me - I love to write. Yes, you can, but there's a good reason why I did it. I just do; I love to write.

-The Day Castle Evenings Was Invaded by The Stormtroopers-

Roseanne Pov.

Hi there! My name is Roseanne Franks. One may wonder, who am I? Well, some of us have our accounts of how we managed to survive the chaos that was the war between humans and Anthros are right to be heard, even though we were hiding in the shadows of the conflict's backdrop. We're getting off subject, but I digress.

To all of you who are wondering, "Who is this person? Who is she?" Okay, let me explain it to you in simple terms. I am the small wolf girl to whom John, or Mr. Kingsman as I liked to call him, handed the chocolate bar many years ago when both sides had to regroup after the Battle of Castle Evenings. I am exactly the little wolf girl whom John taught to see that the Anthros' falsities about all humans were untrue. And this is my account. This is my account of what transpired on the day when Dr. Attwell attacked Castle Evenings with his army of Stormtroopers. When the Invasion of Castle Evenings happened. I was just a young child when it all began. When it occurred, I was only 11 years old.

I was having a great time exploring the grass with my folks while I was running around. Where were we? Kirkby's Gardens was where we were.

I couldn't help but laugh along with the other kids who were having a blast playing in the park, running around, swinging on the swings, and doing anything else they could think of. There was also an ice cream truck parked directly in front of the big, high concrete barrier, next to the archway entrance - the one with the enormous black iron gates. But all of this took place when Anthros dominated Castle Evenings and they were also in charge of it.

Remarkably, at this time, there were still humans among us Anthros. I didn't know much about the war even at such a young age, save for when my father, Otis Franks, would play the radio to explain how the conflict between humans and us was progressing. There were moments when the TV provided us with a more comprehensive view of the situation.

To avoid having to watch any of that "Mess," as my mother Eva Franks would frequently refer to it, she would occasionally put me in my room. They were unaware that I was listening in on them, though.

My parents watched me from their chosen picnic area as I continued to run around. But I took a moment to observe the newcomers to the park. It was only a small human family. It turns out that I was not the only one who paused to have a look. All the other Anthros paused to observe them. The problem was, that their hate for them was as evident as their rage at them, and their expressions were filled with malice. Even those who were distant from the human family had their children pulled away by some.

The human family settled down on a little bench next to the large pond. Although I was made aware of the hostilities between Anthros and humans, I couldn't comprehend why we were mistreating the human residents of Castle Evenings so harshly. They didn't do anything.

We offered them two options: either find another place to reside or remain and live under our rule as a separate community. To survive, they made every effort. The humans that were residing with us at Castle Evenings at the time, at least, didn't seem all that horrible to me. The family kept their position in the face of hateful stares even though they knew it was coming from malicious people.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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