Volume 2: Voices Of The Voiceless

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(I didn't warn you but this book does have gore and other 25+ Mature stuff such as brutal violence, including sexual themes. Maybe not much but you get the gist of it.)

Starting with a new addition of characters. I won't be taking them out through the story because that would just be unfair so I will do everything I can to keep them in the story at all costs...

Name: John Kingsman
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: 6'3
Current Infantry: T.N.W.L / On-Off Infantry: The Kingsmen (Intermittently)
Rank: Spec Ops Division Member

-New Suit / T.N.W.L (Human) suit-

-Quick Bio-Ever since John was conscripted into joining T

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-Quick Bio-
Ever since John was conscripted into joining T.N.L.W's Spec Ops Division, he had no choice but to accept, although he wasn't forced into it, he voluntarily joined. John was given a suit crafted by Fort Argent's gear crafters that better corresponded to his position as a newfound member of the Spec Ops Division, also branding the T.N.W.L's insignia on the back of the vest which was three simple claws, and giving it a black coloring to match T.N.W.L's signature color, black. He still keeps his old Kingsmen battle suit and will use it from time to time. Truthfully, he's more than welcome to wear his old suit if he wishes, he was only given his new suit to match the image of the T.N.W.L. John accepted his new position because he is now a war criminal and because he accepts that if the Kingsmen won't take him back because of his uncoerced affiliation with T.N.W.L, then he now makes a new rendition of himself to forage for consensus between both Humans and Anthros. He promises not to forsake his fellow Kingsmen as he knows he cannot just abandon the hardships they fronted, and thus vows to save them as well once they reach the culmination of the amicable equal balance between Anthros and Humans. Although the old suit didn't show much, the new suit pretty much shows John's jacked-up body from beneath as it tightens around his body. Another thing he uncovered is that anthro-on-anthro warfare is real.

Now to the new additions to the story!

Name: Snow White
Species: Arctic Fox
Age: 29
Height: 6'2
Infantry: T.N.W.L
Rank: Head Nurse+Medic/The Spec Ops Division's Private Medic

-Quick Bio-Born during a snow hail, her parents gave her the name Snow due to her flawlessly white fur that had no other markings, given that the rest of her family had black or grey patches but her fur is completely barren of any other color othe...

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-Quick Bio-
Born during a snow hail, her parents gave her the name Snow due to her flawlessly white fur that had no other markings, given that the rest of her family had black or grey patches but her fur is completely barren of any other color other than white. Snow has seen many injuries during her time before finally ranking up to Head Nurse. She may be an anthro, but that doesn't mean she will repudiate John the chance at being able to fight and live despite having disdain for John being human. In her mind, everyone deserves a fighting chance, even if they're anthro or human. She was born into a big family, and she is the only female and the first sibling, aside from her other seven younger brothers, she is the oldest sibling.

Name: Frostine Rollick
Species: Snow Leopard
Age: 22
Height: 6'0
Infantry: T.N.W.L
Rank: Spec Ops Division Member

-Quick Bio-Frostine grew up in France until she moved to America where she enlisted in the army once she graduated from Highschool

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-Quick Bio-
Frostine grew up in France until she moved to America where she enlisted in the army once she graduated from Highschool. After going through hell and back with humans in miscellaneous wars, she was given the opportunity of a lifetime and registered herself into the T.N.W.L Spec Ops Division Trainee Program and passed with flying colors, although she was the only one who was given the eighth position in the Spec Ops Division as her record has the highest attributes one needs to join. She was lucky though, given that the Spec Ops Division requires ten members to be completed as a whole. Frostine is rather sheepish, hence why she doesn't try to get on John's case as she believes he'll fold her down, oblivious that John is finally giving anthros a chance. She is skilled with knives, pistols, rifles, and snipers.

-Soldiers And Beasts: Volume 2 lore-

Several weeks pass ever since John joined T.N.W.L's Spec Ops Division despite Nina and Annika's hostility towards him, they were all unaware that the Kingsmen were plotting a plan to infiltrate Fort Argent and gather as much intelligence as they could and use it to their advantage as they were crafting a plan to bring Fort Argent down and rescue John. They were going to barrage the base a while ago but thought it would be best to take them down without giving them time to notice as it would make things a whole lot easier. Meanwhile, The T.N.W.L had recently discovered that a military not belonging to the Furry Nations had decided to take matters into their own hands in eliminating the human race.

The Federal National Republican Coalition or F.N.R.C for short is a rogue military made up of anthros who are not willing to accept equality between humans and anthros, as they view themselves as "Superior" due to them having much better physical credentials, because they have better weaponry, and because they conquered most of the human territories, and because they believe they will live longer than humans. The Furry Nations proclaimed they were once part of them but because a new order was passed that all human children or civilians are to be safely relocated to a prison where they will be housed until the war is over to be moved to a secluded state where they will live out the rest of their lives peacefully, the general of the F.N.R.C army went rogue and so did his army.

Who did the Furry Nations assign to combat the rogue anthros? The T.N.W.L, which of course was fine as John was searching for a way to access the trust of the Furry Nations and their board. But complications happen, and this one is worse than Jack, if not more dangerous.

In an underground bunker, an elite government scientist joins to help the humans combat the Anthros. He created a necro virus, dubbing it "Red Death". It successfully reanimates a human corpse with fully functional organs though the brain does require to be reassembled with biomechanical constructs and cybernetic mechanisms. Initially, it will lash out like any fictional zombified human. However, he augments its bio-living to an enhanced quantity with the help of a super serum known as the "Mutagen Z" which also retains its intelligence, making the zombified human think like an ordinary human but thinks more strategically when in hand-to-hand combat or gunfighting, and is also capable of understanding words and even speak, although with the help of an apparatus attached to it's vocal cords which speak through a microphone attached by it's left shoulder sleeves. Sadly, the scientist only had enough resources to create one, but one appeared to be enough.

The scientist extracted a corpse from Chimera's Infantry morgue and took the Chimera soldier's corpse to his bunker where it was experimented on and was brought back using "Red Death" and was given a dosage of "Mutagen Z". It was known as "X-001", at least...that's how it's addressed by its assigned moniker...

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