9. Mercy Of The Abandoned

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Narrative Pov.

While John and Jack were conversing about their past troubles in life that involved the anthros, the remaining members of the Spec Ops Division and Lt. General Hoffman were searching for the three, unaware that they were entering enemy territory, and the enemy in question is one that they are only invoking his anger by standing in his presence. On the other hand, Annika and Alice had woken up from their small coma after being patched up.

Annika's Pov.

"Where...where am I?" I questioned as I opened my eyes but immediately shut them tight when the stinging ray of the light above me hurt my eyes. "You're in the medical wing of Fort Argent. Don't worry Special Head Operative Annika, we sutured the stab wound in your stomach region. You should recover just fine. And don't worry about Special Operative Alice, she's fine as well. She's currently being treated for the bullet lodged in her stomach but in a short while, she'll be fine." The medic said as I just rest there, looking at the ceiling after my eyes finally adjusted to the overhanging light.

"Wait, where are the others?" She asked her. "The others? Oh! They're still out there looking for the fugitive that attacked your chopper. They're also responsible for the anthros that have been going missing for many years. I think we finally found the son of a bitch you guys have been trying to catch." She explained and my pupils turned into slits as I raised my body. "Woah Woah Woah! Relax Special Head Operative Annika, you still need time to heal from the stab wound in your body!" The medic said to me but as I tried to stand up, I felt a huge sting erupt in my stomach which forced me to lie back down.

"Ow...Ow..Ow. Knulla! Jag hatar smärta så jäkla mycket!! Varför ska det göra så jäkla ont?!" I mumbled to myself as I bit my bottom lip in pain as hugged my stomach. "You need to relax Annika. You can't force yourself out of your bed, you'll only make it worse for yourself." The medic said, helping me position myself on the bed. "Where's Alice?" I asked her and I was startled when I heard "Right here bitch." On my left. I turned and saw Alice waving at me while hugging her stomach.

"Glad you're okay." I said, taking small breaths upon knowing one of my teammates is doing okay. "Yeah, we're fine, but we're missing out on the action." Alice replied with a disappointed sigh. However, upon remembering about the human, my mind quickly began to race.

"Wait...are they with the human?!" I asked her and she raised an eyebrow at me, "He has a name, you know?" Alice corrected me but I snarled at her incompetence, "Are they with him or not?!" I repeated myself more viciously but Alice just rolled her eyes, using her arms as a pillow. "Maybe? I think they are, I mean, they wouldn't just leave him alone at the base where they could all treat him like trash or break into his room and beat the crap out of him. We gotta keep him alive and around at all costs." Alice answered and I dumbfoundedly frown at her response.

"Are you serious?! Why?! What if he's luring them into a trap?!" I shout at her while the medic just stood there, watching everything unfold. "How can you say that?! I'm pretty sure John can defend himself against one anthro but taking on more than necessary would be a bad idea! John may be young, aggressive and but he doesn't lack stupidity, Annika. The boy knows when he shouldn't stretch himself beyond his means. He wouldn't just up and betray our trust if he knew the consequences would be dire." She answered and her answer did seem to make sense, but deep down I still couldn't shake the feeling that the human was going to betray us any time soon, we're just giving him more chances every time we open our arms to him.

"You're all making a big mistake Alice. But very well. We'll see just how long the human can last. If he can't, then allow me to take the last shot through his head."

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