4. Ruthless Control

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(Gore Warning)

Third Pov.

Somewhere far out in the forest of West Amaranth was a pack of Anthros belonging to the F.N.R.C., they were practically slacking off; drinking, partying, eating, and just goofing off than doing what they were supposed to be doing. They were also unaware of their impending demise. "Did I ever tell ya'll about the house full of hoes we went to last time?! It was a fucking blast!" One Anthro laughed while the others all laughed as well, some of them being males and females.

"Still, can you guys believe the Furry Nations? Why would they want to make peace with the fuckers who tried to keep us in a zoo? Should've just overthrown the fucking Furry Nations and killed all of the humans if you ask me." An Anthro sitting at the table growled, slamming his glass of whiskey on the table, some of it spilling onto the edges of the table.

"Because, why would we want to still see if we can make peace when those hairless fucks don't want to make peace? Honestly, we should just kill them all, we don't even have to use guns! We're stronger than they are so why do we even bother using guns—ah crap!—I'll be back, I gotta take a piss!" The anthro got up and walked out the door, closing it afterward. "So, uh, any of you girls up for some fun? I mean, we don't have to let the others know?" One anthro soldier purrs, but the female soldiers just look at each other and laugh. a brown-furred cat anthro stood up from her chair woozily and said, "You gotta be joking! I'd rather have my head blown off than be with you—" "Oi! Who the fuck is that?" An anthro soldier shouted while looking out the window. The others joined him and saw a tall shadow looming in the distance, holding something in its hand.

"Is that Harry?" An anthro asked. Suddenly, the shadow raised the object and threw it at the anthros at terrifying speed, crashing through the window. The object collides against one of the anthros, sending them against the wall behind them. "Argh! What the fuck was—" "AH! OH MY GOD!" A female anthro screamed, the rest cupping their mouths as a headless anthro corpse lies on top of the other anthro.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!—Get it off of me!" The anthro screamed, throwing the corpse off of him. What made the scene more disturbing was the mental picture of the body still twitching as if it still had its head. Blood spurted from the headless cadaver's neck, exposing the broken spine and its inner throat.

The anthros broke into another fit of terrified screaming when the head of the anthro rushed through the same broken window, landing on top of the table. Everyone turned pale underneath their fur when they saw the head's eyes turn to the back of their head, blood rushing out its nostrils and mouth, its spine still hanging and laid out like a slithering snake.

"Who the fuck did this?! I'll kill the motherfucking son of a bitch who did this!" An anthro soldier growled, grabbed his M4A1, and marched to the door, but just as he opens it, he is met with the cold black barrel of a Benelli M4 pointed inches away from his snout. In a split second, half of the entire right half of his face is sprayed all over the floor and the wall. A few of the anthros scream as the blood of their dead fellow companion is strewed all over their faces, staining their fur with their companion's dark-red blood, scarring them intensely as his disturbingly mangle-faced body falls to the ground, twitching uncontrollably. What a horrible sight it was, there was blood all over; even on the ceiling. Everyone turned to the door and looked at the gigantic man in strange armor.

 Everyone turned to the door and looked at the gigantic man in strange armor

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