1. Medleys Of Friendships And Hardships

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There were a lot of things many people didn't like. Some of them were scary things, very scary things, like; cockroaches, rats, and the deep blue sea, but none are feared as much as the image of Death. Death has no portrait, it comes in many forms, in the shape of a gun, a knife, or a car, but mostly, it can be a person, and it comes at very unforeseen times. What's terrifying about Death is that it can come in form of things that can't hurt you, but that's the beautiful poetry but also the very scary metier about Death. Anyone and anything can be Death, even you.


While an egregious bloody battle between the Anthros and the Humans transpired somewhere else, a subterranean bunker, which was also a fantastically convoluted complex of a labyrinth, lived Dr. Tobias Attwell, an elite government scientist with the mind of a psycho, but with the brilliance of a genius, created a formula that could subsequently reanimate the dead, and he can reawaken who they used to be with the help of Mutagen Z a powerful serum that can expand their body to the echelon of a superhuman, making them adept of crushing anything and anyone who enters their path.

The doorway to the morgue outstretched, revealing a slightly-average height man with blonde hair entering the room, his hands crammed into the pockets of his white lab coat as he examined the different bodies inside the small cubicles, but one of them stood out from the rest, immediately, he stopped and retreated to the cubicle that had spurred his attention.

"In good condition, no less. I would have thought you'd be all rotten as of late, but you still look human, just pale, but it's of no concern, you'll do regardless." An evil smirk formed across Dr.Attwell's lips, and his face wrinkled up which made his creases more in-depth in detail the more he smiled down at the corpse swathed with the shroud concealing it, all except its feet that had a tag wrapped around one of the big toes. The corpse's feet were a light gray complexion, making it evident the corpse had been dead just recently. With how tall the corpse was, there was only one answer that could come to the twisted scientists' mind: it had to be around 7.0 feet tall at the most, the corpse was indeed a very giant man which made it all the better for Dr.Attwell as he believed the more significant they were, the stronger they'll get. "Recently deceased, huh? That's all that matters, as far as I believe. As long as you can prove yourself to be a valuable acquisition, then we'll make those Anthros beg for mercy, we might even take back what they took from us, and with you, we can finally show them what true power is." The evil scientist grins crazily, hiding his true immoral intentions as he rubbed his hands together, grinning down at the body draped from underneath a long white sheet, with the thought that he could finally bring the Anthros down for good, either making them submit to Humans or to kill them all until they are nothing but a pile of dust wilting in the air.

"Let's see now, what are we dealing with exactly?" Dr.Attwell inquired with a quick finger-pinch on his chin, taking his glasses off of his face, folding and tucking them back into the pouch of his labcoat, clutching a clipboard clipped to the side of the table, he took it and listed down the personal details of the corpse in question, "Name: Kirk Slaughter. Age Before Post-Mortem: 50. Date of Birth: November 5, 1980. Cause of Death: Sustained Fatal Wounds From Enemy Fire." The scientist finishes, staring at the shrouded corpse with a somber gaze, trying his best to remain professional. His smile was wicked, yes it was. The thought of putting all of Anthros out of life was like a dream come true to him, but this time he would make that dream a reality.

 The thought of putting all of Anthros out of life was like a dream come true to him, but this time he would make that dream a reality

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