2. Big Man John At War

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(This chapter will be taking place some years after Chapter 1. This chapter will be executed as what will happen and what will start the rest of the plot of the story.)

John's Pov.

"So, did you hear? I heard those ugly fucking furry mutants started making a special operations unit of their own." Boden, a german soldier said as he walked beside me. "Oh yeah? Let me hear it?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow curiously as I, Boden, and a couple of other soldiers marched between trees, one of them was my Uncle Josiah.

"Yeah! From what we gathered, they call it the Spec Ops Division, but they're mostly called the New World Leadership." Boden asked. "Фигня?! Are you serious?!" Vitali, a Russian soldier gasped, not believing Boden. "Nein! Ich schwöre! Jedes einzelne Wort ist wahr!" Boden replied.

"Damn! Det ser ut som att vi är skruvade då." A Swedish soldier sighed. "Yeah right! Like I'd ever let a female anthro stroke me up!" Boden laughed. "Gross! You know damn well that's not what I meant!" The Swedish soldier yelled back, holding back the urge to throw up. "Hah! Yeah right! I bet you get "Rock Hard" fantasizing about touching a female anthro's pootie tang!" Boden said and everyone laughed at the Swedish soldier's disgusted face.

All the while, I stopped to think about my dad for a moment. It was only a couple of years after he died, but I still remember what happened that fateful day. I closed my eyes and struggled not to cry...

Flashback Pov.

"Dad! No!" John tried to stop his dad. "I'm sorry kiddo." Jackson replied, coughing a bit of blood as he held his hand over a gun wound in his stomach. "It's gonna take some time before help comes. Plus, by the time they get here, I'll be dead. I'm sorry I failed you, John. But don't worry, Uncle Josiah will come to get you. He'll protect you, I'm sorry I won't be around to teach you more." Jackson said as he hid John inside a crate. "Dad! Don't do this!" John tried to grab Jackson by his wrist but Jackson shoved him back into the crate. "John! Look at me boy! This isn't up for a discussion! I don't want you to come out at all! I'm gonna get these furry fucks away and I want you to run back to Fort Haddon when they clear off. You'll meet Uncle Josiah and the rest of the Kingsmen down the way. They're already coming down! But I'm afraid I'll be dead before they'll even arrive. Tell your Uncle Josiah that I love him, that he's the best younger brother to ever have. And John, good luck boy, I love you." Jackson said as he gave John one last hug before running off.

"Hey! You fucking mutants, over here! There's plenty of Jackson to shoot up! Over here you dog-fucking idiots! What!? I thought dogs had good hearing?!" Jackson laughed boldly as he ran away, a group of running footsteps followed behind him. John hid and sobbed as he heard numerous gunshots come from where his father had run. It didn't take long before he finally came out of the crate and saw that the whole village was empty.

"Dad?" John came out of the crate, looking for any signs of his father. He went to the location where he saw his father run. John turned a corner and saw a body lying there, with a bullet hole in his chest.

"Dad...?" John questioned, fumbling as he slowly approached the body. "Oh my god!! Dad!!" John screamed as removed his Knight helmet and dropped it, sprinting to the corpse and falling to his knees, holding the body. "John..." Jackson spoke, coughing up blood. "Dad!! Oh, thank you're alive! Don't worry! Uncle Josiah is gonna get here! We're gonna help you! Don't you die on me!!" John said, feeling tears run down his face as he tried to keep his dad alive.

"Here John. Take this for me, will ya?" Jackson asked, removing his dog tags and handing them over to John, however, Jackson also reached into his pocket and took some other dog tags and handed them to John. John looked and realized the other dog tags belonged to his mother, Rain Kingsman.

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