3. A Blind Heartless Reality

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Narrative Pov.

With John strapped to a metallic chair. He struggles to comprehend what game the anthros are playing, unaware of what they are truly after. He just sits in the chair without uttering a single word and does not submit to the anthro's demands and rather remains quiet and only offers that if they want an answer out of him, they will have to kill him for it. Annika, Nina, and Ruth were more than welcome to use unnecessary actions while Faith, Alice, and Sloan were more sympathetic, well, not sympathetic but were trying to ease him down since they were aware of what John is capable of while the other three are ignorant are only enraging him even more. Lt. General Hoffman was blank on the matter, just wanting to acquire the information she needed. Truthfully, Faith was the only one who was willing to take a more... compassionate approach.

John's Pov.

I was sitting in the chair, not saying anything to these fucking mutations from god's ballsack that surrounded me, all of them eyeing me up and down while we all stood in the same room. "Come on, talk already, will you?" The black red-eyed whore said, and I just rolled my eyes under my helmet.

"When we say something, you answer you muleshit no-fur fucker, you hear me?" The dragon cocksucking bitch said and I struggled not to snicker, although I did twinge a little they mistook it for something else. "Aww, he's getting pissy~." The white tiger slut cooed and I couldn't help but snicker loudly, slapping myself hard for ruining it.

"Hey, hold on a second, is he...Oh, you little shit!!" The dragon roared as he charged at me and tried to punch me but the black cat with the cybernetic eye appeared beside her too quickly and grabbed her by her wrist and pushed her back.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it! You guys are like a bunch of circus animals doing an awful performance! Christ! I-I-I can't! You guys are so fucking funny!! Oh man, I wish the other Kingsmen were here, we would have thanked you guys for the laugh and then execute you all one by one! My god, you guys are gonna make me die of laughter!!" I laughed, genuinely laughing at their attempts at trying to get me to speak. "No." She said as she crouched in front of me as I kept trying to contain my laughter. "Look boy, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Now, I know you don't want me to leave you in here alone with my most dangerous team on the base, do you? Trust me, you're gonna want me around if I were to leave you in here alone with them." She said, sticking her face into my helmet. "So if I were you, I'd decide right now what choice you have now. Either we try and talk this out and you give us what we want, or you can die all alone with no one to remember you." She stated, her cybernetic eye emitting a bright red glow as she stood up and allowed her slaves to try to rough me up. At least, they were trying anyway.

"Who's up first?" The black cat asked and the dragon, the white tiger and the black cat with the red eyes walked up to me. "Don't kill him." She stated and the three nodded before turning their heads down to face me. "No, let's take that stupid fucking piece of shit helmet off first. Let's make you know what it's like to be punched by someone more superior than what you'll ever be--What the fuck?!" The dragon gasped and so did the others. "He's...a kid?" The timber wolf asked, her eyes enlarging upon seeing my face, but then they just shrugged and didn't care.

"What a cute, pretty little face you have No-Fur. I don't think you'll mind if I try to fuck it up for you, would you?" The black cat asked, popping her neck and her knuckles as she pulled her arm back and decked me across the face. "Damn you!! What is wrong with you?! He's just a kid Ruth! For fucks sake take it easy on him, will you?!--" "Shut your fucking mouth up Alice! I don't give a fuck what you think, this little son of a bitch wants to act like a real fucking badass, then let's help him rethink that!" The black cat said, looking at the other black cat who nodded while the shark gave the black cat a death glare.

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