3. The Sunset Way

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As Sloan promised yesterday, the Spec Ops Division invited me to the diner they all planned on going to. They even went in regular clothing instead of their usual T.N.W.L uniforms (I figured it made sense since there was no way you could go to a pleasant place like this looking like you just came from killing). From what Sloan told me. They were doing it to overpraise that they were going to Affluence City. This seemed a little bit much to do―they're just going to be gone for two days. Then I remembered that they were going to do whatever they could for two whole free days before they came back to Fort Taurus. They were going to be gone for two days. They were going to go to Affluence City and do whatever they could. They were going to have fun. And me? I was going to stay behind―not that it bothered me.

I tried to convince Lt. General Hoffman to let me go (even with the help of Sable, Hogan, and Dario) but it was to no avail―that was to be expected, honestly. I couldn't bring myself to tell the girls that I couldn't go (mostly because I didn't want to see that shit-eating grin Annika and Nina made when they found out I'm not allowed to go).

The diner―The Sunset Way―was a very decent place. It was so decent that the girls all had to wear attire like they were one of those pretty cover girls in those magazines I used to read. while I had nothing other than green military coveralls. Still, it felt more fitting than entering with my T.N.W.L uniform (at least this time I wasn't soaked in blood like last time―the smell is still ever so unforgettable whenever I think about it). What I will admit about the place is that it was a very big diner―quite the biggest that I have ever seen.

I've been to restaurants in the past―they were abandoned restaurants―no doubt destroyed by anthros. This one differs in comparison to the diners I have seen before. At least this one has people and food―except the people are anthros and the food? I don't even want to question where the food even came from; or who it came from.

It's not that I have a problem with it, but it still felt so strange to be seen walking among other anthros that aren't a part of the T.N.W.L and eating with them. At the same time, it felt so great to finally relax for once and kick back without me having to worry about the rest of the world and live like a normal person and hang out with other people (even if they're anthros). "Aren't you hungry John?" Alice asks me, concern included in her voice as she looked at me, tilting her head sideways a little bit.

I wasn't eating anything. I didn't feel hungry at the moment. "No, not at all," I said to Alice. I was just sitting in the booth with Faith; Ruth; Sloan; Alice; Frostine. Annika and Nina were sitting at another table since the booth couldn't hold all of us together, and because of their sizes (it was one of those circular booths, not those rectangular ones). We have so much more open space―well, not exactly. If I'm being honest, I'd say that Annika and Nina were sitting at another table because they couldn't stand to be seen sitting with a human or didn't want to sit with me―both seemed to be the correct answers. To me, that seems fine because I didn't want to sit with them anyway.

Even after saving Nina she still gives me the cold shoulder. There are times when I wish I did leave her to die. Hadn't it been for her, Millicent would have survived. Ever since we brought Millicent back to Fort Argent, there was never any news of whether she survived. It was as if she was completely forgotten about. I still question whether or not she did survive or not, but with her injuries? It's safe to say that the answer is... quite obvious.

"John, will you just eat something for chrissake? This is supposed to be a special evening for everyone. Including you." Faith said whilst looking down at me with a concerned countenance, making sure that I was also included in this, and that I was also enjoying the evening we were all having together as a team. "I'm not hungry right now, that's all," I said to her, shuffling a bit in my seat. I was squished up between Faith and Ruth. Ruth's hips were pressing up against mine and Faith's (which were significantly larger than Ruth's) were doing the same thing, only hers seemed to do their best in making it uncomfortable (that's somewhat of a lie on my behalf).

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