7. Drinking Spree II

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"John's still on your mind, isn't he?" Alice asks me, looking at me with a concerned expression. "Yeah, he's still there, as clear as I turn to her and nod, feeling my ears flatten again when I kept thinking about John. "I just don't understand why I keep thinking about John. He's a human, and that's all he ever is. Humans have been at war with us for 39 years, and yet I can't bring myself to think of John as just a human―he's a human who doesn't want this war to continue anymore, and he wants to do his best in abolishing this war. And while half of me believed that all humans were evil, I believed that not all of them were evil. Some of them were tired of this war, and some of them didn't want this war to begin. John was a prime example of the kind of friend we're looking for."

"I agree with Faith." Frostine appeared, sitting with us at the bar. I hadn't even moved from this seat all night, meanwhile, the others were all dancing their asses off, literally. Ruth and Sloan were doing the cha-cha slide dance to Romeo Santos's "sobredosis"―that was a Spanish song that I did know. They were on the dance floor surrounded in a circle by other anthros (most of them Mexican) that clapped Ruth and Sloan on.

However, I sighed and facepalmed when Ruth and Sloan glanced at each other, turned their backs to the crowd, and suddenly grabbed the edge of their dresses and pull them up and waved their asses at the crowd and spreading her asscheeks apart to show off their asses. "Que buen par de nalgas tienes! Sigue moviendolas!" One of the Mexican anthros cheered and whistled at Ruth, "Ey gracias! Y tu culo es igual de grande, date algo de credito!" Ruth exclaimed at the anthro, still shaking her asses at the crowd with her dress lifted, and Sloan did the same thing. "Oye, el trasero del lobo blanco es tan bonito como el del leopardo! Solo mira su culo! Ahora que es un buen culo si alguna vez he visto uno!" Said one anthro in the crowd as they all also paid attention to Sloan. She hardly understood a word but she knew that they were cheering her on―cheering her ass on, of course. At the very least they had the decency to wear panties.

I can tell by Alice and Frostine's silence that they saw the whole thing, and they were as knocked sideways as I was. "Well... that just happened―those two are drunker than we are, and we barely even touched that much tonight," Alice says both confused and shocked, still glancing at Ruth and Sloan dancing on the dance floor. Frostine choked in her words, "Yes, that was quite... something. Not sure what they were thinking―I doubt they even are thinking, considering they had more to drink than we did. Maybe they are drunk but somehow they're still thinking with their heads." She sounded just as confused and shocked as Alice, and I was in the same state as them, but I was more embarrassed than anything else. I couldn't believe that Ruth and Sloan would do that, even if the two were drunk.

Frostine then called out Annika and Nina, and when we turned to the direction she was pointing at, we saw Annika and Nina holding hands and doing the Tango dance. The three of us were amazed by how talented Annika and Nina were dancing because, by the looks of it, it seemed like the dance was difficult to master―perhaps they did practice for when we come to Affluence City since this isn't the first time we've been to this place.

I'd take it that this trip would have been John's first time being in a city and not wandering the trees. Even when he wasn't here, I still felt bad that we had to leave John back at Fort Taurus to spend his time with Lt. General Hoffman to plan the attack on C.D.R.I. I would have preferred it if everyone was involved, including John.

Another thing that I would have preferred was that John, Annika, and Nina would get along. Sure, Annika had her hardships with humans. Nina's mother was killed by injuries that she sustained from humans. But, John isn't like that―sure, he probably did kill anthros before we met―but once he and we formed this little alliance, he started seeing us differently, and we saw him differently. And besides, John nearly got killed trying to save her, so the least she could do is be a little bit more hospitable towards him, and Nina is one of Annika's closest friends (like the rest of us, of course) so she should thank him for saving her. I'll admit, I'd be having a lot more fun if John was here, and I'm sure Ruth would have agreed with me if she heard me say it.

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