1. Little Boy John At War

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A Few Years Ago...

Narrative Pov.

"Okay Men! Get your asses ready! We're about to head into the battlefield! I expect you all to finish your liquor by the time the M939 stops!" A tall bearded General shouted as he stared at his soldiers all crowded together in the back of a moving M939. "John!" The general called out to the little soldier sitting next to him. The general grabbed the boy and pulled him closer.

"Listen to me boy, when shit starts going off out there, I want you to be strong, I need you to be fearless, I need you to look those fur-covered sons of bitches in the eye and I want you to stand up and I want you to send these assholes to hell! You hear me?!" The general shouted at the boy in a rather tensed yet calm voice as the boy simply stared at him and nodded. "Good! That's my boy, John! Look, It's okay to be a little scared, but you remember that I'll always be there next to you to protect you, and your Uncle Josiah too!" The general said, slapping the shoulder of the Lt. General sitting next to him with an AR-15 with multiple attachments by his side.

"That's right little John, you remember, Uncle Josiah will be there to keep you safe! Be next to your father the whole time and you listen to him, you hear? He'll teach you what it's like to be a true soldier!" Josiah said and all John could do was nod and remain silent as the M939 continued to drive, all the while John's ears ring with the sound of heavy artillery fire, missile firing, and explosions, mixed with the sound of loud gunfire and screams of pain outside of the M939.

"Alright John look, I know you're 15, and I know I wasn't supposed to pull you into this at that age, but I need you more than ever. Now, look, we're almost there, and when we get there, you remember all of your training, you hear me?" He asked him and John nodded. "Good, good, alright, get ready John because we're almost there." His dad said, patting his back as the M939 continue to move, however, it stopped once the loud banging came from the front.

"Hell yeah! Here we are! Alright, you bunch of fucking assholes! Let's show these fur-covered cocksucking motherfuckers who the fucking reapers are! WHO ARE WE?!" The general shouted and John, along with his uncle and the other soldiers in the M939 all shouted, "WE'RE THE KINGSMEN! To protect and serve! To kill and conquer! To save the world is what we're meant for! Glory and peace for all of humanity is our number one goal!".

"YOU BET YOUR ASS WE ARE AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT'S WHAT WE'RE MADE FOR! COME ON!" The general kicked the door open and all of the soldiers jumped out and went rushing into battle. "Come on John! Move! Move!!" Josiah said as he grabbed John and ushered him to the battlefield, little did they know John was no crybaby.

"Raaaaahh!!" John let out a strong war cry as he rushed behind a barricade and started shooting at any Anthro he saw. "That's my boy, John! Give em' hell!" The general laughed proudly as John continued to relentlessly put ammo to good use by embedding every single bullet into the skull of every single Anthro stupid enough to end in his line of sight.

"Jackson!! Sniper! Fucking sniper!!" Josiah shouted as he ducked, narrowly missing a flying bullet coming at him. "Damn it!" Jackson took cover as John didn't care and rushed further to another barricade as he was still firing at every anthro. John spotted a couple of anthros advancing and took a grenade from his belt, bit and spat out the pin, and threw it at them, killing them all in one explosion that sent their guts and limbs flying all over. "Dad! What are you waiting for?! Come on!!" John yelled at his dad and his dad couldn't help but smile proudly. "Atta boy John! Oh my god! Brings tears to my eyes!" He laughed as he advanced.

"We gotta take care of that sniper!" Josiah shouted as the three all got down and crawled to the next wall. "I'll do it!" John said as he crawled to a rocket launcher. "John!" Jackson tried to call out to him but John had already grabbed the rocket launcher and loaded it with a rocket and stealthily hid behind a rock and aimed it at the sniper. "There you are..." John growled as he stared at the sniper in the distance lying on top of an MBT.

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