8. Drinking Spree III

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John and I were talking, enjoying our conversation, and I was enjoying the time I was spending with him―words can't begin to describe how much I missed him. Even when he was a human, I still couldn't stop thinking about him.

I know that the rest of the Spec Ops Division was there to save me, but John was the one who dug deep into the devil's burrow and carried me out in his arms. He may be a human, but he's a savior; he's my savior.

I... I want to... but I can't... I just can't... it just wouldn't work between us... me being an anthro—him being a human, it just... it just can't work... I sighed in my head as I looked down at the ground as we walked beside each other.

A few seconds ago I told John about my breakup, and he understood. He was a great listener, I'll give him that. John even told me that he once had a girl―a Kingswoman―hitting on him and the sweetheart didn't even realize she was trying to hit on him. He told me that he friend-zoned her without still even realizing it. He's dense, but that's what I think is adorable about him. But his words comforted me like no one ever has since I left.

John being there, made me cling to his arm, and I didn't want to come off as some girl who's got a high school crush. John was just different than that.

He may seem like some human who'll kill anthros without even thinking twice, but I can tell behind those bandages that a sweet-faced boy like John can be gentle with a woman's feelings. But I knew trouble was stirring when I saw a familiar crimson-colored 2023 Toyota Crown slowly driving behind us.

"Oh no." I muttered, and John must have heard me because I heard him say "what's wrong?" but I knew that when he noticed the car tailing from behind us slowly creeping up, I knew that he knew what was going to happen. "John, listen to me love, whatever happens, just know that I'll try to protect you―" John didn't let me finish as he stepped in front of me, putting his hands gently on my shoulders as he moved me behind him gingerly.

I was surprised by what he did, and I didn't know why he did it. And I didn't want John to take the pain for me. "J-John?" I called out to him, wondering what john was thinking, but he never answered me―not even the couple of times that I kept calling for him―not once did he ever listen to me or turn to look at me.

Finally, the car stopped a few feet away from us. Instinctively, I hid behind John, and even though I kept my arms crossed and kept a stern look on my face, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at all nervous. I was fearing for John's safety at the moment and mine as well. 

Two zebras came climbing out of the crimson-colored Toyota Crown. Darry Whitehall; my ex-boyfriend. Ted Wickes; my ex-boyfriend's stupid best friend. They were both zebras, like me. "Mills! What's going on?! What-what are you doing?!" Darry shouts at me as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, not minding John at all as if he was invisible to him. Then again, Darry and Ted were rich, so anyone who wasn't as rich as they were didn't mean anything to them.

I wasn't at all rich, Darry just wanted me for two things: my body and my looks. I just made my shoulders more traversed and stared at him firmly with a cold-blooded scowl twisted on my face.

"Look, I get why we broke up, but... but I only get a little drunk and―" "A little?!" I shouted at him angrily, "You call "passing out in the streets" a little?! Goddammit Darry, I told you that I'm never getting back to you even if you did change and I mean it!" Out of concern for me and John's safety, I held onto his hand, tightly squeezing it with my fingers intertwined with his.

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