3. Black And White, They Both Bleed Redd

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After having defeated Alice in his first round, John's next opponent will be Sloan, who is just a few inches taller than him, but that didn't hinder John from wanting to go through with it. However, despite Sloan wanting to take it easy on John, he refused and instead told her to go all out instead, the others weren't aware of the alibi, but only two people were; Annika and Nina. As it continues, John only constantly becomes more absorbed with how easygoing the fight was going, despite John and the girls being meant to be mortal enemies, they are all enjoying a boxing match between friends, not enemies.

Sloan Pov.

John didn't seem at all happy, and neither was I. I never thought that I had to fight the guy who saved me from getting my head blown off. 'It's funny though, how just weeks ago we first threatened to kill John, and then we go and have him fight on our side trying to kill one of his own, and then he joins The New World Leadership and now is joining the Spec Ops Division? Man, John has it lucky. For me, it took me years' worth of training and experience to be in the Spec Ops Division.' I laugh a little, thinking how silly it is for him to not do much—then again, John likely has been trained his whole life since he is just eighteen years old and knows how to fight, shoot and kill so I guess it makes some sense, not entirely but just enough for it to add up a bit I suppose.

"You ready?" John sneered. "You bet your fucking ass I am." I shouted, punching my boxing gloves together as John and I approach each other with a threatening standpoint. "You ready? Cause I'm going to try and go easy on you." I lower myself down, teasing him about his height.

"Trust me, you don't have to." He winks at me. "G-good." I recoiled from the wink, as I hadn't expected that gesture, but that's not to say I don't welcome it. Both of us stepped back, and when the bell finally rang, we both get into our fighting positions. John deploys the first throw but I block it with my left forearm and deliver a right hook to his face, throwing him back. He tries to throw another punch but I evade it and deploy a left hook into his stomach, returning with a right uppercut underneath his jaw. John somehow evaded my next punch and threw a jab punch into my snout and then kicked my calf, dropping me to the ground. I move out of the way in time to avoid John's axe kick and then throw a spinning back kick, directly hitting him in the head.

John almost falls to the ground but keeps his composure, looking at me with a bold smile as blood ran down his nostrils, a red string of blood running down the center from his bottom lip to his chin. "You got something on your face." John chuckled. I brush my glove on my snout and saw a speck of my blood saturated on my boxing glove.

John Pov.

When Sloan finally gets back into her fighting stance I deck her right across her snout with a right hook and follow up with a left hook and then an uppercut. Some of her blood sprayed out of her nostrils which sprayed all over my face, but I didn't mind one bit.

Her entire white-furred chin was beginning to stain with blood, even dropping driblets of blood onto the surface of the boxing ring with each punch she took to the jaw, creating an, even more, bloodier eyesore. Sloan grinned as she blocked my next punch and pulled her arm back and sent a cross-punch my way, spraying blood out of my nostrils, spraying a huge splash of blood onto the surface that mixed with her own.

I got punched once more, this time across my lips; I could see through my squinting eyes the amount of blood that came spattering out of my mouth from Sloan's punch. Sloan's face was now entirely covered with blood, and so was mine, but we both knew that we didn't care. 

She tosses a punch but I duck and return with yet another uppercut, spraying blood into the air that came, sprinkling all over us. She deploys a punch and hits me right across my face, and the blood that blanketed my face was swept away from the force of the punch, but I swerve when she tries to hit me again and return with a punch at the center of her snout, this time forcing a huge swash of blood to come seeping out of her nose, creating a distorted blotch of blood on the surface of the boxing ring—the entire floor was becoming strenuously overlaid with miniature bloody puddles of the red ooze.

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