2. Courage of the Exalted

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Third Pov.

On the outskirts of Castle Evenings, a group of enemy soldiers had gathered, their faces etched with determination and differing beliefs. As tanks rumbled nearby, the soldiers huddled together, discussing the impending assault they were preparing to execute on the base camp of The New World Leadership. Among them, voices rose in a cacophony of conflicting opinions. Some spoke fervently, their words laced with conviction, while others remained more reserved, their doubts and concerns evident. It was a microcosm of the division that plagued their ranks.

"We can't stand by and let these fucking Anthros take over," one soldier exclaimed, his voice filled with fervor. "We need to restore the world to how it was before they came. A peaceful world means humans as the dominant species! No Anthros, no more fighting! It's time we finally put an end to these fuckers, once and for all. I'm tired of being pushed around by some fucking monster that initially was nothing but man's best friend. We shaped the earth the way it was, and these assholes are treating it like they've contributed to anything. They weren't there in Normandy fighting alongside our people, they weren't even there in 'Nam. All they've done was do nothing but supply us with food, literally! If you ask me, it should have fucking stayed that way." A murmur of agreement rippled through a portion of the group. They shared a vision of a world where the balance of power was firmly in human hands, where animals either reverted to their feral forms or ceased to exist completely.

Yet, not all the soldiers were convinced by this ideology. Another soldier, his voice calm, offered a counterargument. "But is violence the answer to settle this crap between us and Anthros? Shouldn't we continue to seek a peaceful resolution? Talking to The New World Leadership about surrender or retreat might still be an option. I mean, let's think about it for a second, and let's go back to the 90s when the war started. Anthros wanted to be our friend, but who was it that pushed it? It was George Bush who pushed it, not them."

Heads turned towards him, and a debate ensued. Voices clashed, each soldier passionately defending their perspective. Some argued that the time for negotiation had long passed, emphasizing the urgency of their cause. Others voiced concerns about the consequences of plunging into a bloody conflict, questioning the ethics of their actions. "Dammit, don't you fucking get it, you fucking morons?! We've tried talking to those fucking things, but they refuse to listen! It's that dumbass Lt. General Hoffman bitch that's pushing her people to their deaths!" one soldier shouted, frustration coloring his tone. "She and that garbage Anthro government of hers are too blinded by their Anthro agenda. Thank-fucking-god that Dr.Attwell thought it was time to take matters into his own hands."

"But what if there's still a chance?" another soldier countered. "What if we can find a middle ground between all of this before it goes to shit? We shouldn't be so quick to condemn them all, not even ourselves." The discussion continued, tensions rising as emotions ran high. The soldiers grappled with their choices, torn between their ideals and the realities of the situation. Each viewpoint held a grain of truth, yet finding common ground seemed like an elusive feat. Amid the heated debate among the enemy soldiers, emotions flared, and the exchange of words escalated into a verbal battlefield. Harsh tones and biting remarks filled the air, as each soldier fought passionately to defend their stance. "You're naive if you think talking will solve anything!" one soldier snapped, his voice dripping with contempt for his fellow soldiers and the Anthros.

"Those Anthros have shown their true colors. They're a threat to humanity, and we need to eliminate them! They treated us like we didn't belong! I escaped a POW camp run by these fucking things! They treated me inhumanely, they beat me, they tortured me... they... they... they did things to me that I don't want to talk about... but that is why we need to take them all out, to prevent things like what happened to me and other humans that got captured so that they don't happen to our future generations." His words struck a nerve with a soldier standing nearby, who retorted with equal intensity. "And what about the innocent lives caught in the crossfire? Are you willing to sacrifice them for your blind hatred? We need to consider the consequences of our actions!" He shot back fiercely, not willing to back down.

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