7. Little Dark Age III

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(Gore Warning)

Third Pov.

As the Chinook mercilessly released its ammunition against the traffic barriers, ADA's sensors assessed the chaotic eyesore that was playing out before her eyes. Then, as her close companions and fellow troops were pinned down by the assault, her focus was directed toward them. ADA acted quickly, running to the Stormtrooper's corpse where her sword was lodged. She ripped her bloodied sword from the corpse of the Stormtrooper, leaving red stains on her clothing in the process.

Dr. White calmly took a sip of her coffee while she kept an eye on the situation from ADA's point of view. Through the microphone, she gave the order for ADA to bring the Chinook down while maintaining her calm demeanor. ADA nodded in agreement, indicating her understanding without saying anything.

ADA leaped towards a nearby wall and ran up to an ideal spot on it, utilizing it as a launch pad to launch herself into the air. She returned her sword to its scabbard, and her cybernetic claws flashed menacingly from her fingertips as she catapulted herself off the wall and clung beneath the Chinook, slicing her claws through the metal shell of the Chinook. She climbed over to the side of the Chinook and then crept across to the ramp, her actions deliberate and resembled those of an arachnid. The velocity of the Chinook's blades caused her black hair to twirl wildly.

ADA crept along the surface of the Chinook, her desire to fulfill her mission driving her closer to her goal. Unaware of the approaching danger behind him, the Stormtrooper operating the M134 continued to fire. Once more, Dr. White's instructions to neutralize the soldier resounded across ADA's communication system. As she was ready to attack, ADA's blood-red glare burned into the back of the unwary stormtrooper. Her robotic claws pierced his armor with a fast, decisive motion.

ADA then reached out and grabbed the Stormtrooper's hands, jerking them away from the M134 with an animal-like roar. As the Stormtrooper attempted to fight her off, ADA snatched his right hand and snapped it off, tearing it off. The Stormtrooper screamed in agony as he saw his injured hand dangle as his broken bone was exposed, spewing blood from the fractured bone all over his uniform and down his white armored sleeve. The blood also trickled and oozed onto the ramp, trickling drops of it over the edge of the ramp.

After that, she did the same thing while holding his left hand. The Stormtrooper continued to scream as his left hand suffered the same injuries as his right. Like his right hand, his left hand had no movement and was bleeding and spitting blood from the projecting shattered bone. The Stormtrooper fell to his knees, bleeding heavily from his shattered hands as he screamed in pain, while ADA merely had a blank expression on her face. Following that, ADA placed her hands on either side of his face. With his teeth gritted and tears streaming down his cheeks, the Stormtrooper glanced up at her. Some of the blood that spurted from his shattered hands spilled down his face, and some of it even landed on ADA. His head was then grasped by ADA, who tipped it backward with her left hand before raising her right hand to reveal her metal claws. Her thumb remained outside and was pierced beneath his jaw as she slid her four fingers into his mouth. As ADA gradually pulled the Stormtrooper's jaw forward, the breath in his lungs quickened. As the Stormtrooper's jaw was being pulled, he eventually started to scream erratically, but ADA didn't even express any pity.

As ADA kept pulling the Stormtrooper's jaw forward, blood started to drip from his mouth onto her hand. As the claw's tip sliced through the skin beneath his jaw, blood began to drip down its surface. The more pressure she exerted, the more it went through. The skin surrounding the Stormtrooper's jaws started to pull away and extend so far that it appeared it could not stretch any farther, which caused the Stormtrooper to kick and scream even more.

ADA persisted without displaying any compassion. As his jaw collapsed, the holes in his flesh began to pull off, and the sound of the jaw being ripped off could be heard.

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