8. Hate Of The Glorious

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Narrative Pov.

Through fear and tears, Sloan began to explain to John, Ruth, and Lt. General Hoffman the horror she witnessed, even giving them a full description of the individual that abducted Nina and took her into the woods. John, Ruth, and Lt. General Hoffman were horrified by the story Sloan illustrated but mostly were petrified by the description of the individual in question. Edged teeth, bloody mouth, pale skin, pink eyes. An abnormal yet terrifying combination, especially given in a world that is now embued with a craving to release the blood of one's enemies. 

John's Pov.

After what I heard, I was genuinely scared. To think that all this time, the one who's been abducting and taking anthros to fucking who knows where I was amazed that they were able to be getting away with it. Turns out the abductions have been going on for several years, and no one has been able to track this guy down until now.

The abductions started happening around New Atlas and Fearmoyne, but then they started appearing around West Amaranth, but now it may appear that they are going to end as of now.

"Faith." I called out to her and she didn't seem to acknowledge my presence even when I was standing right beside her. "Uh, Faith?" I called out to her once more until she finally looked at me. But it was more of a hateful glare. "What do you want?" She asked me and her whole demeanor seemed off, almost hostile in a way. "Uh, I just wanted to make sure you were alright, you know? From what Sloan told us, you got pretty fucked up when the chinook crashed. Er, got attacked, I mean." I said, hoping I would say it in a way that didn't piss her off because it seemed more than obvious that Faith was pissed. She didn't seem to react to what I said until she got off of the tree she was slanting on and started marching up to me, and the way she strode appeared very antagonistic.

"Nina, one of my best friends, gets abducted by some fucking psycho. How do you think I'm doing?" She asked me, towering over me while noticeably bawling her fists up. "I, uh, am aware of that, and trust me, we're going to get her back, but first I thought of asking if you're okay because--" "John, in what way do you think I'm okay? I was unconscious when my best friend got kidnapped by some sicko and my two other best friends got hurt!! IN WHAT FUCKING WAY DO YOU THINK I WOULD BE OKAY YOU DUMB FUCKING MORON?!" She yelled and I almost tripped and fell when I backed up from her shout. She showed off her canines and let out an angry snarl, her eyes squinting into a hostile glare as her claws became exposed.

I was scared, but it wasn't because of her height or intimidation, but because I didn't want to hurt her.

I could easily take Faith on, her height didn't matter to me since I was several inches smaller than her, but that doesn't mean I won't fight her. No, I was scared of her because if she tried something, then I would have to try something too, but that would lead the other anthros to gun me down without hesitation. Instead of saying something back, I decided to keep a level head and nod, understanding that talking to Faith wasn't a good idea right now. Maybe when she'll be calmer, that is if she'll still want to talk o me even after everything gets resolved...

Third Pov.

"Haah...Haah...Haah..." Heavy breathing was coming from a bush 30 feet away from the group of anthros. "Oh, you poor boy." The voice regretfully sighs, observing from afar furiously as they watch Faith yell at John, the mysterious person couldn't hear from where they were but with how she was yelling, they mistook this for abuse as they must have interpreted this as Faith maltreating John as a way to show her "Superiority" over him for being a small human.

"Don't you worry about a thing partner, I'm going to get you out of there. We're going to see to it these fucking things can't hurt you anymore. Once I get you out of there, I'll take you back to your people. I'll keep you safe until then, I promise."

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