9. Compassion In Times Of War?

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John Pov.

"What the hell is going on?" I was unsure what to make of this. I didn't even know what to say about this. All I knew was that I needed answers from these two, whoever they were. "What is going on here?" I somehow finally found my voice again. I didn't know how or why I was able to speak again. I found it difficult to say anything after seeing these two hug each other. It shouldn't have surprised me because I hugged Anthros before - only two of them which were Faith and Ruth - but I couldn't help but feel a little flustered when I saw other Anthros and other humans do it. It just felt so strange seeing others do it. I didn't know how I find it right for me to hug Anthros but found it odd when others did it. But perhaps I began to feel a little less isolated because I thought I was the only human in the world to have friends like Anthros. It looks like I was wrong. I figured it was best to get their side of the story because I was just so confused (yet I was very intrigued, almost completely) as to what kind of relationship these two had.

When I drew close, the soldier pulled the rabbit woman closer into his arms, her face put up against the crest of his chest - one arm held on her back while the other was wrapped around her head. I assumed he was overprotective of her, which wasn't too far off. Even though he wore a helmet that completely hid his face, I saw his head tilt down slightly, which I assumed was him glaring at the STI Tactical 4.0 in my hand. "Stay back... we don't any trouble, we... we just-" "We just want to be left alone. We just want to be together. Why can't you just accept that our love will not bow down to your views on our relationship?" the rabbit woman said, interrupting what the man was going to say.

The man did not show any fear and perhaps no hesitation in protecting the snow-white rabbit woman he held so dearly in his arms, his tight embrace encompassing her much smaller body.

"I... I don't... I don't understand." I was so confused. I felt my figure shrink, my shoulders tremble, and my legs quiver as if they are about to collapse unexpectedly. It's a good thing the rabbit woman gave me an illustration of what was going on between the two before the confusion took over me - I surely would have had trouble piecing together the puzzle if the rabbit woman had not made it clear to me in time.

The rabbit woman showed concern, noticing my trembling frame. "A-Are you alright?" I was captivated by the rabbit woman's concern. "He's just a confused kid. Then again, I don't think it would matter who it is, anyone would be confused if they knew about us, Allison, it was only a matter of time before someone would finally find out about us. Just stay behind me, I'll talk to him." the man said as he helped the rabbit woman onto her feet, shielding her behind him as the two approached me. And to show my good faith - and to finally understand what it was that was going on without resorting to unnecessary violence - I holstered my pistol, keeping away any intentions from beckoning the man that I was planning on ever reaching for it again, including my AR-MD3 which I kept slung on my back by its sling.

The man slowly raised his hands. "Don't shoot. I'm only going to take my helmet off so we can talk this out, okay?" I nodded my head gently. The man slowly reached for his helmet. He removed his helmet albeit somewhat with a struggle, and then removed his black balaclava, revealing his face and its features - blond hair, stubble beard, and blue eyes.

 He removed his helmet albeit somewhat with a struggle, and then removed his black balaclava, revealing his face and its features - blond hair, stubble beard, and blue eyes

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