8. Initiative Of The Broken

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[Minor Gore]

John Pov.

"Move!" I shout as Faith, Hogan, Sable, Dario and I rush past the crowd of soldiers. "Move out of the fucking way!" roars Faith, shoving soldiers out of the way, and throwing them to the ground as we all rush inside the building that Lt. General Hoffman's office is in. "Hoffman! Hoffman! Hoffman!" I scream her name, calling out to her as we run down the hallway. Just as we make it to her door, the door opens up to reveal Lt. General Hoffman standing at the door, "What the hell is up with the five of you?" She asks us with worry emanating from her voice. "Ma'am, you need to set up the defenses immediately!" Faith shouts at her. "Activate the defenses? What the fuck for?" She asks, her eyes widening in confusion and shock. "Wait! Don't tell me! The fucking F.N.R.C sent another attack on us didn't they!?" She asks, her voice screaming with rage. "No ma'am! This one is far worse than the F.N.R.C, and perhaps something much worse than Jack Reaper!" Faith said to her, her blonde hair dangling over her head like withered strands. "Jack Reaper? That son of a bitch was nothing! Sure, he killed plenty of people but surely we could put this motherfucker out of his misery like how John did to Jack!" She says, unaware of the impending peril we were all about to face.

"You don't understand ma'am! The guy killed the convoy you told us to escort back to base!" Hogan shrieked at the top of his lungs, his pupils dilating into slits. "What?" That was all Hoffman could mutter. "Yes ma'am! It's true! We don't know how but when we got there, the entire truck was blown up! Then, this giant dude came out of the flames, and this is the crazy part: he had flames all over him and he just walked it off like he was taking a walk in the park!" Sable shouted, waving his arms around aimlessly.

"This has got to be some kind of joke; you mean to tell me that we're haggling with some sort of superhuman?" She asks us. "Maybe ma'am. All we do know now is that this individual, whoever he may be, could be a threat to the T.N.W.L and maybe the rest of the anthro military. This individual isn't like Jack Reaper. Jack Reaper was a psychopathic human, yes, but this thing?—I am uncertain whether or not it is human because the strongest human or anthro could not just waltz through fire unharmed."

"Please, Hoffman, you must activate the defenses as soon as possible," I beg her. Hoffman looked down at me and gave me a strict stare. Then, she ran to her desk and smashed her fist onto a red button, activating a loud alarm that rang throughout the whole base.

"Attention all troops!" She screamed into the P.A system. "Attention all troops!" She repeats herself once more. "This is not a drill! I repeat this is not a drill! Activate the defenses immediately! I repeat, activate the defenses immediately." She screams into the microphone. "Okay, good, that should give us at least a decent amount of time before that fucker reaches the base," Faith said, moving her hair to the side, revealing both her eyes. "This better not be a joke you're all trying to pull on the whole base, because if nothing comes up after this, then your asses are all going into confinement." She said with a very strict voice.

"Lt. General Hoffman!" Annika barges into the room, followed by Nina, Alice, Sloan, Ruth, and Frostine, including Dr.White. "What's going on?!" Annika asks Lt. General Hoffman. "An attack is approaching the base, that's what!" Lt. General Hoffman shouts at her. "What? Who is? The F.N.R.C?" Nina asks her. "No, but from what all of them told me, we're going to be dealing with some superhuman." Lt. General Hoffman said, and right away everyone took it as a joke. "A superhuman? Are you fucking serious ma'am? Are we going to believe this joker bullshit?" Nina asks, crossing her shoulders. "She has a point ma'am, and the fact that the no-fur is in on the whole thing says something," Annika said, and I was seriously starting to get sick and tired of them always calling me a no-fur.

"Goddamn it! You guys have to believe us! We know what we saw!" I scream at them all. Alice, Sloan, and Ruth looked like they were willing to believe us, but Annika and Nina thought otherwise, "And why should we believe you of all people, no-fur?" Annika asks, raising an eyebrow, and scowling down at me. "Oh my god—because if you don't, then we're all going to end up dead—you hear me you fucking moron!?—dead! So put aside your hate-boner you have for humans and listen to what we have to say for one fucking minute, can you do us that kindness, you dumb fucking idiot!?" I scream at Annika, raising my voice to its highest limit. "Alright, alright John! That's enough! Calm—yourself—down." Lt. General Hoffman puts her hand on my head, lightly pushing me back between Faith and Sable, both of them pushing me behind them. Annika was shocked, but her shocked expression turned bitter, as did Nina who at first was just as shocked and furious as her. Alice, Sloan, Ruth, Frostine, and Dr.White all looked shocked, not believing that I held such a sacrilegious mouth; though they should have the day I met them all. Meanwhile, I was standing behind Faith and Sable breathing heavily, trying to contain my anger toward Annika and Nina—especially Annika.

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