3. Carnage Will Ensue

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(Gore Warning)

John Pov.

I stood on the rooftop, my eyes fixed on the transformed sky above me. The once brilliant blue had been replaced by a sea of gray clouds, blotting out the sun and casting a somber shade over the earth.

The air carried a coolness that hinted at the impending battle ahead. As I looked down upon the base camp, I couldn't help but be amazed by the sight that unfolded before me. Anthro soldiers moved with purpose, their presence a testament to their strength. But what truly struck me was the sight of human civilians standing side by side with their Anthro counterparts. Many loyalists, rebels, and advocates for Anthro equality had all come forward, eager to join the ranks of the 90,000-strong Anthro army. The number was an equal number of Anthros and humans, both of them male and female, but we didn't judge, because we needed all the help we could get, regardless of how little it was.

They believed in the cause, in the fight against Dr. Attwell and his private army. They saw this as an opportunity to make a difference, to save not just Anthros but also humans. And to restore their home to what it was. This time, under the supervision of both humans and Anthros, where both Anthros and humans would be given equal satisfactory living and rights.

Lt. General Hoffman - being the sensible person as always - sought to understand their motivations. She wanted to know why these humans were willing to risk their lives for the sake of others instead of staying under their protection behind closed doors where they didn't have to endure the harshness of the battle that lay ahead. And the answer she received was both humbling and inspiring: they wanted to help, to protect their fellow beings regardless of species. They saw beyond the differences in appearance and species and recognized the common goal that united them all. It was the potential of humanity, our capacity for empathy and selflessness.

In response to this overwhelming response, Lt. General Hoffman immediately set up a registration booth where Anthro civilians and human volunteers could enlist. She believed in the strength and resilience of humanity as well, in our ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Anthros and fight for a better future alongside Anthros. She saw this as an opportunity to not only incorporate humans into the armed forces of The New World Leadership but to unify Anthros and humans as one.

We - I, Lt. General Hoffman, and the rest of the Spec Ops Division -  had discussed this development among ourselves. We knew that integrating humans and Anthros would not be without its challenges. After all, there had been a long and bitter war between our species, that has and still is active, and it has been for nearly four decades, so we assumed as much when it came to incorporating humans in an army made up... well, Anthros. But Lt. General Hoffman saw the potential for unity, for peaceful coexistence, and she embraced it. She believed that it was not our appearances or physical attributes that defined us, but rather our actions and character.

Humans had their strengths and qualities that deserved recognition. We may not possess the superhuman abilities of Anthros, but we had something just as valuable - our resilience, and our unflagging willpower to fight.

And so, as we prepared ourselves for the imminent battle, we did so with a continued sense of ambition. The lines between humans and Anthros blurred as everyone - both Anthros and humans - focused on the common goal that lay before us: to defeat Dr. Attwell's army and bring an end to his tyranny.

I took a deep breath, gently closing my eyes and inhaling the cool air through my nostrils, and readying myself for what lay ahead. Lt. General Hoffman had shown us that accordance was possible, that together we could overcome any obstacle. The diversity within our ranks only strengthened our resolve, even though we were sure that there was still going to be tension as we were now incorporating humans into the army. It was reminding us that it was not our differences (appearance and species) that defined us but rather our shared purpose. As the clouds loomed overhead, I knew that the storm of battle awaited us. But we were ready.

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