4. Operation Paymaster

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Dr.Atwell was continuing his little project in secret in C.D.R.I―he was very outraged by what had happened to Kirk―his most triumphant creation was defeated by an anthro and a human. What angered Dr.Attwell the most was that a human was consorting with the enemy. That crime is unacceptable now in these times, and any human that is caught aligning themselves with the anthros will suffer greatly once they are captured by any human army. But he couldn't tell Ms.Marriss about this or anyone. He wanted John, Lt. General Hoffman, and the rest of the T.N.W.L to pay with their lives... he wants to kill them his way. If it's one thing that Dr.Attwell can be, is vindictive.

He knew that something was up, and he needed to find a way to make sure that he'll stay in his position as much as possible, making no mistake to ruin his chances. "Senior Executive Administrator Marris?" He gasped, seeing the woman clad in a black suit leaning against his desk when he entered his office, frowning at the floor without bothering to move them up to look at Dr.Attwell. The expressionless-faced woman rested against the ebony-colored desk, her black impassive hair tied into a bun that rested on the back of her head. Even when she wasn't looking directly at him, Dr.Attwell only knew fear whenever in the presence of Ms.Marris.

"Hello, Dr

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"Hello, Dr.Attwell." The woman responded calmly, but Dr.Attwell knew that she was far from calm; her facial expression was a pretty picture of genuine rage, even when it appeared unemotional. "W-What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you here―" "I came to talk to you about your failure that was Kirk Slaughter." The emphasis that she put on "failure" made Dr.Attwell swallow in fear as Ms.Marris paced back and forth in front of him with her hands folded behind her back. His fear was apparent to her which only made her fury grow. She and her government did not appreciate fear.

"We hired you for this because you gave us your "big promise" that you were going to put the T.N.W.L out of commission for good. But what do we see?―we see that the T.N.W.L are still alive! The only issue is that we can't track them down because they have relocated somewhere else, somewhere where we can't find them... you idiot!" Ms.Marris marches up to Dr.Attwell, pulls her arm back, and struck Dr.Attwell across the face, making his head swing to the side as he nearly stumbled onto the floor, but kept his balance steady to keep himself from falling. He held his face and quivered in fear as Ms.Marris drew near.

"I-I'm s-s-so-sorry Ms.Marris! I swear, I supplied Kirk with all of the necessary equipment in destroying the anthros but I just don't understand what happened! The camera footage was destroyed!" He was lying to her. He withheld the footage so that he could hide the fact that John was helping the T.N.W.L―he wanted to kill John himself.

"I tried to do the best I could but I don't understand how Kirk could have even failed―" "Well he did. And for that, I must execute you. Failure is something we cannot depend on if it's going to be involved in the pursuits of wiping out all of the anthros." Ms.Marris pulled open her suit jacket, reached inside and pulled an HC-MP122 Pistol out, and aimed at him, directly at his forehead. Dr.Attwell gasped when she grabbed him by his collar and threw him against his desk, backing up against it as he watched the barrel of the pistol, scared that at any second a bullet will rip through his head.

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