1. Balance of the Evanescent

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Third Pov.

The streets of Castle Evenings lay shrouded in eerie darkness as the moon cast a faint glow upon the worn cobblestones. The once lively and bustling town now stood abandoned, its buildings in disarray, windows shattered, and walls marred with the scars of battle.

The silence was broken only by the distant sounds of gunfire - which originated from the rifles of soldiers executing any rebels, loyalists, or Anthros that they discovered - echoing through the desolate streets like a symphony of destruction. Amidst the shadows, a soft breeze whispered through the narrow alleyways, carrying with it a sense of foreboding. The flickering streetlights intermittently illuminated the desolation, casting long and distorted shadows along the walls. Broken fragments of glass and debris littered the pavement, a testament to the fierce clashes that had taken place.

As the wind rustled through the abandoned structures, it seemed to whisper the stories of those who once called this place home. The remnants of lives lived, are now left behind in the wake of conflict. Houses and shops stood as hollow reminders of the past, their once vibrant colors faded and peeling.

Two soldiers of Dr.Attwell's private army strolled through the desolate street, their armored footsteps - clad in black leather boots - resonating against the cracked pavement, their conversation echoed in the stillness of the air. Their voices carried a mix of arrogance and anticipation, as they spoke of the Anthros with a hint of disdain.

"Can you believe how far these Anthros have come?" one soldier remarked. There was a hint of disbelief in his voice. "I mean, they were nothing but animals not too long ago. And now they think they can stand up to us?". The other soldier chuckled condescendingly, his voice a sense of superiority.

"It's all for nothing," he replied. "No matter how much progress they make, it won't matter in the face of Dr. Attwell's advancements in weaponry and territorial expansion, as he'd like to call it. He's always one step ahead, and he knows how to keep those Anthros in check." They continued their stroll, their conversation veering towards the potential outcome of a confrontation between the Anthros and Dr. Attwell's private army. Both soldiers were confident in their victory, their words dripping with smug certainty.

"Even if they gather their forces and pile them into one big fucking circle, what can they do?" the first soldier scoffed. "Sure, they may have numbers on their side, and they may have... what is it called again... superhuman powers? Yeah, superhuman powers, that's what they're called. They may have that and all, but we have superior firepower. They may be stronger in terms of strength, but they ain't immune to bullets. We'll blast them to bloody pieces before they even have a chance to fight back. Those Anthros have been pushing us down for the last time, and I'm getting tired of them always acting like they're better. We shaped the world the way it is now, and now they want to exterminate us? Not on my watch!"

The second soldier nodded in agreement, his tone laced with a touch of sadistic pleasure. "Oh, the Anthros may have their illusions of grandeur, but when our weapons rain down upon them, they'll realize the futility of their efforts. All their struggles will be for nothing. They'll realize that even when they thought they were gonna win, they'll come to understand that humans always come out on top, and they'll know all about that shit once we lower their numbers. Anthro superiority, my ass. That's all bullshit."

As they continued their conversation, their voices grew bolder, their words more callous. They reveled in the idea of the Anthros' defeat, belittling their achievements and dismissing their cause. "But let's be honest," the first soldier sneered, a smirk forming on his face. "Even if they manage to rise against us, they won't stand a chance. Dr. Attwell's weapons are designed to obliterate any resistance. We'll crush them like insects under our boots. One splat is all it takes. Who knows, I might even taxidermy one into this statue, or, mount one of their heads onto my wall."

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