4. When There's Hope, There's A Chance

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Narrative Pov.

After John's emotional breakdown, the sun on the horizon started to gradually rise as John was on the ground lying on his back with a peaceful snoring grimace. John continued to cry last night before he eventually knocked himself to sleep due to the alcohol he ingested from the flask given to him by Faith, all the way down to the last bit there was left of it. John looked dead with how he was lying down and hadn't moved, the anthros would have assumed he killed himself somehow and throw his body somewhere else. Thankfully, Faith came down in time to see John waking up slightly. Although Faith was about to receive a surprise that would be both unsettling yet hilarious.

Faith's Pov.

"Hey, kid. You up?" I asked the boy and found him lying on his back in the middle of the cell. He simply answered with drunken groans and I immediately understood that this kid was drunk, even worse, was going to wind up with a serious hangover. "Ah jeez." I sighed, regretting giving him my flask. "Come on, let's get you out of there." I sighed, unlocking the cell and walking inside. Before I helped him back up to his feet, I took my flask and saw that it was empty. "Well shit." I said, placing it back inside a pouch on my vest. "Come on, let's get you up." I said as I helped the boy to his feet and he started to drunkenly berate me.

"Get off me!!" He growled and I just ignored him and walked him out of the cell, closing the door. "Hey, Faith right?" He asked me and I nodded. "Yeah, it's me, Faith. You should be lucky it wasn't Annika, Nina, or Ruth. Those three would come up with an excuse as to why they came late to the interrogation room when they just used a sorry-ass reason to beat the living crap out of you without Lt. General Hoffman knowing anything about it." I chuckled, knowing that what I said was true down to the last word.

"Faith. Wait, hold on, there's something I wanna do." He drunkenly stops in front of me and I can see just how tipsy this guy was, given his reddened nose and cheeks. His eyes were pink and droopy.

"What is it?" I asked him and he was eyeing me up and down with a stupid grin on his face. "Take your pants off Faith. Let's...you know. Fuck?" He asked me and I honestly burst into laughter. "Oh shut the fuck up you fucking idiot!! That's just the fucking whiskey playing tricks with your mind!" I laughed loudly.

"No, I'm being serious. You know, we can...we can hide somewhere and I can--I can touch your fur and you can touch my...you know?" He said between hiccups. "Take your top off and let me see those puppies! Take it off! I wanna see those huge...tits of yours! I have never seen boobs like that on another human before, let alone an anthro!" He ordered and I just rolled my eyes at his intoxication.

"I wanna rail you. Right now. We don't have to...to...to tell the others, you know? We can keep this our secret." He said, embracing my waist and I kept laughing to myself at how fucking stupid he was acting right now. "Come here." I grabbed him and rush him inside a nearby restroom and place his head face-down under a sink.

" Hnnghaah--Flufufufghh!!" He asphyxiated as I splashed water on his face back and forth, his hair becoming coated with water as it became wet. "What was...that?" He asked and I grabbed him and decided to carry him to Lt. General Hoffman's office since I knew he would just start shit if he was let alone walk on his feet.

I finally reached her office and opened the door to see Lt. General Hoffman sitting behind her desk with her hands folded together along with the rest of the girls all sitting next to each other on the chairs placed up against the wall of the office. "Finally!" Annika groaned obnoxiously loud as I set the human down on his feet to walk on his own. "Go easy on him. The guy's drunk." I told them all as I went over to the medicine cabinet and took some ibuprofen and a glass of water to give to the human. "Drunk?" Lt. General Hoffman mumbled as she looked at the woozy human who stood there moving around. "Here." I gave the human some ibuprofen and then some water. "Now we gotta wait for his fucking hangover to go away." I said and Lt. General Hoffman glanced at me, "How long will that be?" She asked me and I sighed, "Probably in a few hours. We won't get much out of him when he's like this though. Just now when I was bringing him here was talking about how he wanted to plow me." I explained with a snickering laugh.

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