5. Little Dark Age

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This chapter (and possibly the ones that come after) will contain gore, and given that it takes place during a gun, grenade, and projectile war, I can assure you that it will be very graphic. Even if it does not matter (at least not to you, and certainly not to me since I have become fairly accustomed to writing gore and have been intrigued by the concept of gore), it still seems important to warn you.)

Third Pov.

Before the battle between the New World Leadership and Dr. Attwell's troops even started, Stan, a human loyalist, stood by the door of his house, dressed in the T.N.W.L. combat soldier uniform, his fingers nervously fiddling with the edges of his sleeves. He was certain that he had to leave, but the thought of leaving his wife, Wynne, behind made his heart hurt.

Wynne, his white-furred dragon Anthro wife (and his forbidden lover), walked up to him and looked worried. "Stan, sweetheart, are you sure about this? It's dangerous out there, and I don't want you to get hurt or worse killed. What my life will be like without you is something I... I wouldn't want to know. I don't want our efforts to be for anything if you end up dying in battle because we went to such great lengths to keep our secret from everyone else. Stan, consider this for a moment, please. The love of my life is someone I just... I just... I just don't want to lose." Her voice quivered as she spoke.

Stan sighed, softly grabbing her hands by the wrists and interlocking his fingers with hers. He had a sad expression on his face as he gazed at her; although he knew he had to leave, he would have preferred to stay with her. "I know, Wynne, but I can't just watch and do nothing. The T.N.W.L. needs all help they can get to retake Castle Evenings and Ravenhollow from Dr. Attwell's forces. I want to change things, and it's the correct thing to do. I'm sorry, but that asshole has been holding us prisoner for far too long. It's time someone finally puts an end to him."

"But, what about us?" With tears streaming down her face, Wynne questioned. "I don't want to lose you, Stan," She said while resisting the impulse to break down in Stan's presence. Finally sobbing uncontrollably, she buried her snout in his chest.

Stan said, his voice choked with sorrow, "I don't want to leave you either, Wynne." He then gently wrapped his arms around her waist, squeezing her close to him while he could still hear her sobbing. A trail of water could be seen trickling down Stan's cheeks as his tears began to fill up at the rims of his bottom eyelids, obscuring his eyesight. While still hearing her sob, he felt her arms begin to encompass him as well. Her embrace, which she strengthened, spoke louder than words. It was obvious that she wanted to hold onto him and that she did not want to let go of him. "I'm sorry, but I just can't watch while helpless Anthros and humans suffer under Dr. Attwell's control. This is something I have to do for them, for you, and our future. If Dr. Attwell and his forces die, we will be free. You realize that Wynne, don't you? We will be able to live freely once more after that crazy son of a bitch and the rest of his cronies are dead."

Knowing what he had chosen, Wynne nodded. "Oh my God, Stan, I just can't." Wynne continued to hug him while she spoke in between sobs. She then pulled her head back and looked at him through her tears. She begged him, "Just... please... promise me you'll come back to me alive, no matter what happens." Stan returned her gaze, his eyes as full of tears as hers. "I'll be back, alive and well, Wynne, I swear," Stan said. As he tightened his embrace around her, Stan spoke, "I promise to fight with everything I have and return to you, Wynne."

Before the conflict, they treasured the time they had together by holding each other for a brief period. Stan then crouched down and made delicate lip contact with her. Wynne closed her eyes and pressed her lips firmly against Stan's while experiencing a wave of tears running down her face.

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