2. The Flight To Castle Evenings

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The entire sky above Castle Evenings was grey, riddled with dark-grey clouds as they watched over the town.

The entirety of Castle Evenings and Ravenhollow had been cleared of the anthropomorphic threat. Now that Castle Evenings was under the occupation of Dr.Attwell's private army. With their occupation of the two towns, the private army enforces their defenses all over the towns, ensuring that no other anthropomorphic threats can attack C.D.R.I.

"Good morning to you all. Men and women." General Farrow said as he stood on top of the stage in the center of Castle Evenings, saluting every soldier that stood in a horizontal alignment in the crowd; there could have been thousands of soldiers in the crowd, all standing in the same position: legs spread a few inches apart, holding their weapons sideways with one hand grasping the grip and the other encircled around the handguard, staring straightforward with their heads tilted upward a little to face the general on the stage. The thing is... it wasn't a stage... it was a scaffold...

"Several days ago, we have taken down an army that protected these two towns, but now that army is no more. But despite their superior physical attributes that humanity cannot counter, they failed to understand that there is an object far more lethal than their innate abilities... our intelligence." General Farrow said as he paced left and right on the scaffold. "With Dr.Attwell's help, we will ensure that the anthropomorphic threat is no more. With his weapons, with his machines, we will ensure that the victory for humans will be triumphant. Without the anthropomorphic threat no longer active, we will rebuild the world that we had once lost, and we will ensure that this disaster, never happens."

General Farrow stopped pacing for a moment, he stared off into the distance, but then he smiled and walked slowly to the back of the scaffold, his boots making heavy thuds with each step he took on the wooden floor of the platform. "Whether they're ready or not, bring them up. Oh, and drag that bitch by her tail or ears if you have to if she starts pissing and moaning about coming up here." General Farrow bellowed. A group of soldiers forced a Cat anthro (all bruised and tortured) onto the scaffold. He was breathing heavily as he was dragged onto the platform, blood trickling from his nostrils, lips, and swollen eye.

The soldiers all watched as another group of soldiers carried a fox anthro onto the scaffold. She was sobbing and kicking as she tried to free herself from their grip. "Stop squirming, you fucking anthro!" one of the soldiers growled.

"Don't take that from her. Slap the fucking bitch, if you have to." General Farrow ordered. Without even hesitating, the soldier threw the fox anthro to the ground, and when she turned to look at the soldier, he pulled his hand back and backhanded her on the snout.

The fox let out a loud yelp of pain when her mouth spilled droplets of blood on the wooden platform. Her entire fur was ruined, and her face was all bruised. The poor thing experienced two things no one should have to experience, and then she'll experience one thing that many are afraid of. First, abuse, rape, and then, death.

"Come on, get up." the soldiers all grabbed the fox and forced her to the scaffold. The two anthros both had nooses tied around their necks. The cat only stared at the crowd with a widened eye, his mouth hanging agape as he breathed heavily continuously. The fox anthro was sobbing incessantly, tears streaming through the fur on her cheeks as she lowered her head to the floor of the platform, not having the strength to look up at the people who murdered not only slaughtered their army but also their civilians. "These two are the last remaining soldiers of the army we defeated to take back Castle Evenings and Ravenhollow. The rest are either dead or ran away. But of course, that won't matter. Regardless, we'll use them as a warning. A warning for other anthro armies to―"

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