10. Fire And Brimstone

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(There's going to be a lot of Metal and other varieties of Metal in this chapter and likely in the next volumes as well, mostly because I feel that the Metal genre suits this story perfectly given its warfare/gore theme, so Metal will be recurring in the story from now on, but periodically so will other genres of music, oh and this chapter will contain some minor gore)

Narrative Pov.

A stand-off is driven by life and death. Jack, John, and the few members of the Spec Ops Division now wonder who will come out of this fight alive, and who will come out dead. They think that because they have a high number they can outnumber Jack, but little did they know that Jack was a nightmare inside a human's body, capable of acquiring and crafting even the most destructive weapons known to man.

John's Pov.

"Alright! Nina, what do we do?!" I ask her, leaning next to her behind the stone wall we were taking cover. "We have to regroup with the others! If we join forces then we'll have a better chance of taking this human out!" She explained as we both got ready to sneak past him and get to Hoffman and the others who were hiding behind trees. "What about Liggett?!" I asked her and Nina facepalmed, completely forgetting about her. "We'll keep her here!" She gently placed her on the ground and covered her with a blanket. "We can come back for her later, but right now we need to take that guy out." Nina said but before we could run over to them, her radio shook a little, "Nina! Can you hear me?!" It was Hoffman.

"Loud and clear." She said, taking the radio to her ear, "Change of plans. We need to bring that bastard in alive, so whatever you do, don't kill him, just keep stalling him until reinforcements arrive, the same goes for you, John." She explains. We both turn to look at her through the window of the house we were hiding in and she waved at us, holding her radio in hand.

Nina and I share a stringent countenance before we both jump out of the window and run to the trees, however midways we had to drop behind a stone barricade as we were not expecting an explosive slug to hit the tree behind the stone barricade, exploding it into burned fragments of wood.

"Explosive slugs?! Where the hell did he get those?!" I scream, leaning against the stone barricade while staring at the demolished tree that was now burning tree trunks. "Hahahaha!! Come on you fucking furry mutants! It only takes one slug!" He laughed loudly as he took cover behind the chapel's doorway, narrowly avoiding the returning fire from Hoffman, Ruth, and Faith. "Where's Sloan?!" Nina shouts but I quickly spot Sloan hiding on a tree branch, looking through her scope.

A loud bang then followed and not even a second after Jack let out a scream. "Aaaargh!! My fucking shoulder!! Fuck!!" Jack shrieked angrily as he started searching for Sloan.

"Sloan!" I gasped as he managed to shoot her, but thankfully he only missed her but the scare compelled Sloan to fall off the branch. My eyes dilated when I saw that Sloan was in the open of getting shot. "Sloan!! No!!" I force myself off the stone barricade and charge at Sloan and dive into her, throwing both of us to the ground, narrowly missing an explosive slug.

"You okay?" I ask her and she gave me a quiet "Mhm". "Uh, John? Could you let go of me now, please?" I quickly let go upon registering the way I was holding her, which happened to be in a suggestive hugging kind of way. "Ah! Sorry!" I gasp, quickly standing up and helping her up. "Look out!!" Sloan screamed as she tackled me to the ground, once again narrowly missing an explosive slug. "Come on!" She helped me up to my feet and we both ran to the stone barricade Nina was still hiding behind. "You okay Sloan?!" Nina asked her, completely overlooking the fact that I was there as well but I just rolled my eyes since I knew what Nina was hoping for.

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