Volume 4: Operation Forlorn Foundry

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(Volume 3 was originally titled "C.D.R.I" (and yes, I did change it to something else) which was supposed to be where T.N.W.L attacked C.D.R.I. Unfortunately, I wanted to make Volume 3 about John trying to befriend the anthros by partying with them so I had to make Volume 3 all about John, the Spec Ops Division, and the other three. Volume 4 will now be where they finally attack C.D.R.I)

Name: Automated Defense Android/A.D.A
Height: 5'10
Rank: Special Ops
Affiliation: T.N.W.L/Spec Ops Division
Robot Asset

—Soldiers And Beasts: Volume 4 lore—

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—Soldiers And Beasts: Volume 4 lore—

After John, Sable, Hogan, and Dario have endured hard labor for a week―even though it felt like years to John―the pain in their backs finally went away (with a little bit of help from Dr.White and her stimulant injections) and they were ready to go back into action. John, The Spec Ops Division, and the rest of Fort Taurus all unite as they prepare to advance to C.D.R.I. But before they could, they gather as much information as they can on C.D.R.I, and they discover from recordings from soldiers from the army defending C.D.R.I that Dr.Attwell is building a machine in the bottom foundations of the complex and is planning on using it, no doubt to destroy the T.N.W.L.

They didn't know what it was, but it didn't matter what it was; as long as they destroy it and C.D.R.I. But they are going to have a bit of difficulty as the army defending C.D.R.I. is willing to go to great lengths in preventing T.N.W.L from destroying it. Once they ready everything, T.N.W.L and the Spec Ops Division will begin Operation Forlorn Foundry.

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