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He doesn't need to knock, but he is good at professional things.

" Good morning, RM. "

" Good morning, please sit."

Taehyung sat. Puts the file in front of him.

" This is the list of candidates who have applied for the new post. We have to interview all this at eleven o'clock."

" Okay. I will be there. You see management. "

" It's all done, but I will check again."

"That would be great. I will also check their profile before the interview. "

" Ok, then I will see you later."

" Of course."

Taehyung stood up bowed and headed to open the door but Namjoon called from behind and Taehyung turned to listen.

" Taehyung..."

" Yes" taehyung waits for him to say, but Namjoon shakes his head.

" Nothing....you can go."

Taehyung leaves. Namjoon doesn't ask him about Jungkook.

Jungkook was doing something on his laptop when Lisa called him and asked why didn't say bye and left the party. They conversed for a moment until her boyfriend disturbed her. He felt good after speaking with his best friend.

Jungkook massages Jimin to come soon from work so they can go to clubs together to celebrate his best friend's engagement or to reduce the pain of a broken heart. Jimin promises him that he'll join him and Taehyung will also join them.

The night ended cheerfully with his friends but Jungkook missed something. And that's the warmth of someone close to him. He wanted to be held by his lover the way those couples were in each other arms. Dance with his partner like the couples were dancing while kissing each other.

Throwing the thoughts he enjoyed his friend's company and got drunk a little. Taehyung left first to home, then Jimin and Jungkook came home together. Like always, his mom didn't open the door, it was his father who opened the door and glared at him.

" Dad..... You haven't slept yet?"

" Where we're you both? Is it time to come home? Jungkook, you're drunk? "

Jungkook looks at his feet instead of his face in shame. So Jimin had to say something.

" Uncle, please forgive us. Jungkook was a little upset I asked him to come with me, and we got drunk. We are sorry. "

" Jimin, you're older than I. You're supposed to stop him from doing things like this, but you're encouraging him. They are gone mad. "

His dad shouted at him. So his mother needed to stop the mess from getting worse, so she pulled his arm to take their room.

" Listen, he's drunk right now, let him sleep. We can talk in the morning. Right? "

His dad leaves before giving a warning glare to both of them. His mother gestures for them to go and sleep. So both of them headed to their bedrooms.

Jungkook started going to work again with Jimin and enjoying the trio in the office the way they did. But between Jungkook and his boss RM, things were awkward from starting.

Jungkook wanted to thank him for helping, but he terminated the idea when RM started behaving like a cold-hearted man again to him. Isn't he nice to him the night before?

Days passed and Jungkook was moving on from his feelings for his best friend. It's impossible to stick to being a heartbroken boy when you have friends like Jimin and Taehyung.

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