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Jungkook and his mother have arrived at the wedding early as they had left his father at home since the man doesn't wish come with them considering he will trouble them. That's why Mrs. Jeon was also refusing to arrive at the wedding, but thankfully Jungkook was effortlessly convinced her saying …" I will buy you new mixer grinder. Please mom."

Jimin was already had arrived before them as Taehyung had called him and when inquired why he urgently called him, Taehyung admitted." I'm nervous, that's why."

And Jimin reaction was “What the hell?”

As a Supportive boyfriend, Jungkook didn't interfere or disturbed him while the ceremonies were going on, he just stared fondly from afar. He didn't even get the chance to say bye to him; otherwise he's certain Namjoon would have allowed him to kiss at least.

Jungkook and Jimin were analyzing the photos they clicked in the wedding that's when Namjoon called him and Jimin allowed to receive it.
At least he wouldn't be upset after conveying with his boyfriend and will peacefully.

And what happened. Jungkook left to his room to talk without interruption. He locked the door. They spoke for like half an hour. Jungkook wouldn't disconnect the call if he Namjoon hadn't fallen asleep while speaking on the other side.

' He must be exhausted. Has been busy all day.'

Days were gotten by like that, the lovebirds acted professionally at workplace because Taehyung was on his honeymoon, so the elder has sort out on his own. He was glad that Jungkook wasn't mad at him, or he is?

Jungkook was kept eyes on him, and he noticed he wasn't taking care of himself. This morning, he got to know from Jihyo that he hasn't gone home last night. He stayed at the office and had headed home in the morning.

That's not good for him.

He called him, and unfortunately, he didn't pick it. So tried again, but once again he didn't receive the calls.

Hence, Jungkook decided to check on him but when he's about to enter the cabin of the manager to take a leave his phone rang. Namjoon called him back, so he reviewed it and went back to his cabin.

“ Jungkook, why aren't you speaking…"
Namjoon said.

“ I'm sorry. I was …"

“ It's okay. You called me, is there any specific reason?" Namjoon's voice sound irritating like he isn't in the mood to talk.

“ No… Yeah. Actually, I wanted to know if you're doing fine. I just get to know that you were here all night and left in the morning. So I'm was just worried about you. I think you're being Harsh on yourself"

Namjoon leaned on the sofa. He just came out from the bathroom after taking a shower.

“ I have to. I don't want Taehyung to take stress for his pending paper work."

Namjoon has suggested him to go on honeymoon to Paris for a week, but Taehyung refused due to work. But then Iseul was upset that Taehyung had decided to only two days and that's when he had to agree and informed his Hyung that he will return after a week.

Namjoon was happy for them.

“ I get it. But it doesn't mean you'll stay at office without having anything in your stomach.  You need to take care of yourself too, Joon."

Namjoon chuckled on the other side.

“ What did say so funny? Joon, I'm serious. You need to take care yourself or else…let me."

Jungkook is anxious about him, and he doesn't know he should act like, how thing goes between bisexual couples as he's new of it, but the concern is coming from his bottom of heart so he's expressing it. He hopes he doesn't cross any limits or overreacting.

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